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  1. M

    How many Australians are there on

    I'm here El Guapo.... Melbourne rools...Sydney pools!!
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    Can't quit out of iDVD5

    Hi all, Upgraded to the iLife 05 suite of programs and have been using iDVD for the first time. I burned a project which seems to have worked but now I can't quit the application. It's wierd. The activity monitor shows iDVD as still active even if I force quit it and iDVD is still...
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    Sleep Issues (again)

    Hi all, Lately I cant get my PB to sleep with the screen/lid open. Its strange because this was fixed and then after 10.3.7 update it came back again. Moreover, whenever the PB turns back on, the wireless keyboard I have is also turned off and I have to set it up again? One other strange...
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    Trouble with using HelpViewer

    Thanks symphonix your a legend mate. I'll use that for other apps with the same problem. Problem solved.
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    Trouble with using HelpViewer

    Thanks guys. Being a newb. I presume when you delete the preference files they are re-generated when you start whatever program again? Basic settings of course.
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    Trouble with using HelpViewer

    Hi all, Hope someone can help. Everytime I wish to use the helpviewer in certain apps like Stickies or whatnot it wont load the help menu. Instead, the help window opens but then seizes and I get the beach ball of death and have to force quit the viewer. Anyone know why this might be...
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    No I havent Cheryl. I'll try it and see what happens. Thanks for the input.
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Thanks for the reply El seems to be a good enough workaround...Ive noticed though I dont think it is just Suitcase causing the problem. I spoke to Apple support who suggested after everything that the 'clock?' settings are not in sync with the apps or some crap like that and I might...
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Yep. I should have mentioned. I have Extensis 11.0.2. Still no luck with the settings. I was wondering though. Can I have Suitcase in the dock but off and just turn it on when I need to use a corresponding app? Its a workaround I know but even though it was working before I'll put up with the...
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Bugger me dead. Turned off Extensis and it seems to be working now. Ive gotta say extensis suitcase has been one of the worst programs ever made. It seriously screws with everything, Ive already had to do a complete re-install because of it. I hope this is the end of the problem, I'll report a...
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Just an update: Changed to different User account - No difference Removed USB devices - No difference Repaired permissions - No difference Changed Mail settings to update manually - No difference Tried different settings in Energy Saver Panel - No luck Im starting to get worried now...
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Yep it's secure. I have extensis font management software active...havent checked the email yet...I'll take out the USB devices I have and go from there. Another User account is an excellent idea. I just hope it isnt a hardware related problem. Thanks everyone youve been a great help so far.
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Thanks Zammy. I restarted but Im still experiencing the same problem. After the alotted time as set in the Energy Saver Panel, the computer goes to screensaver, dims for a bit and then comes back on. Hoping someone else out there has experienced this sort of issue. I'll call apple support...
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Hi again, Tried what you said. Went to screensaver, then woke up. Doesn't make sense. Was I supposed to reboot? BTW Cheryl, could you explain to me why you suggested what you did? I dont know OSX very well and resetting permissions etc needs some explaining to me thanks...
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Thanks Cheryl, Quick reply!! I'll try that now... :p
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    Powerbook won't sleep!

    Hi all, Hope all is well with you. I'm having trouble getting my PB to sleep (and no I haven't told it bedtime stories yet..hehe). I've set the preferences in Energy Saver Panel to go to sleep after 15mins. The screensaver comes on and then the screen goes a bit darker but thats it. If...
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    If You're a Gamer...

    My point of view is that while there are many great titles on consoles most of them blow chunks. Maybe its a personal taste thing but I prefer the kind of online multiplayer strategy titles on offer with the PC. You need the keyboard and mouse etc. Although it would be good to play more complex...
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    PB Critics tear Apple apart

    Seeing as everyones in the mood... Someones sig I found: Computers are like air conditioners...they dont work when you open windows.... hehe
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    PB Critics tear Apple apart

    Stealth wrote: Yeah its funny, Ive had that too but most of them dont even know that Macs are Unix now and when you explain to them all the cool stuff they always come up with the old fallback...'Macs dont have any decent games' PS>Yes we are short on games but not on brains...
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    PB Critics tear Apple apart

    MacLuv wrote: So you would rather bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator instead? Youre contradicting yourself. You cant say it doesnt matter about the quality or style of things and then say you dont believe in mediocrity either....what the?? Im not trying to flame you...