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  1. B

    Help! Random server crash (10.5.3) - services die.. couldn't spawn task??

    Every so often (maybe once a week) our 10.5.3 server has a fit. The symptoms are something like this: Server Admin becomes unresponsive. Server Admin reports that "This server does not have any services marked as configured" The services "go down" - basically when we come in in the morning...
  2. B

    Problem converting "Local (managed)" users to Network Users

    Right, it drove me mad but I "think" I know why this was happening. It seems that the user accounts that don't allow network login have a UserShell of /usr/bin/false. Those account that *do* allow login have a UserShell of /bin/bash. Changing existing user accounts to use this shell seems to...
  3. B

    Problem converting "Local (managed)" users to Network Users

    Server: 10.5.3 (same occurred in 10.5.2 so its not related to the update) using OD/LDAP/WGM etc. Clients: Various 10.5.2 and 10.5.3 Somebody (in their great wisdom) set up our users on the server but instead of making them proper network accounts they paired them with local user accounts on...
  4. B

    User Preferences Not Updating (WGM OS X Server 10.5.2)

    Hi, I don't have any file in ~/Library/Preferences/ I do have ~/Library/Preferences/ but deleting that doesn't do anything... it is just recreated as it was and preferences still aren't updated after a logout/in cycle. The dscl command doesn't work...
  5. B

    User Preferences Not Updating (WGM OS X Server 10.5.2)

    Hi folks, first post! Got some confusing behaviour... Problem: When we set "user" based preferences in WGM they are not rolled out to the users (setting "computer", or "computer group" preferences works as expected). For example, if I set iCal as a login item for a specific user, then the...