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  1. L

    MWSF - Mixed emotions, really mixed.

    I'd be happy to. First, we'll look at the semantics. As it's being used here, "replacement" means "has all the features of." So, a laptop computer that is intended to replace [all the features of] a desktop must have a screen that is exactly the same quality, brightness, etc. as the same...
  2. L

    MWSF - Mixed emotions, really mixed.

    It's only a desktop replacement if the screen is as bright as it is on the iMac. If it's any dimmer, it ain't a replacement.
  3. L

    Updates Live on MacWorld Keynote

    I was hoping that the Keynote announcement would segue into AppleWorks 7 - an Office killer. :( Oh well. 17" PB? How can you carry that thing ANYWHERE?
  4. L

    Updates Live on MacWorld Keynote

    hopefully not be bloatware. and be fast, too. I guess I'm optomistic, but it needs to be great to get me away from Chimera.
  5. L

    Stupid Move on Apple's part

    So I'm curious: If they're going to charge for operating system upgrades, why would anyone pay for upgrades to the iApps? Ostensibly the upgrades to the OS would come with the new & improved iApps, so just keep a tight grip on your wallet (or purse, I guess) and but 10.3, 10.4, ad infinitum...