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  1. P

    Is Nolobe (Interarchy) dead?

    Okay I've been using Interarchy for years back to days when it was known as anarchie. I bad some changes to my Web site using DreamWeaver CS5.5. I uploaded the changes with Interarchy. When I tested out the changes The index file for the recipes section of my Web site could not be found. I...
  2. P

    Is Nolobe (Interarchy) dead?

    Once again I am asking because I asked a question several weeks ago about Interarchy corrupting uploads. I received not a peep. I have changed email providers my address is now pjonescet AT comcast DOT net I even give my new email address. I am now afraid to use Interarchy and had to...
  3. P

    Startup/restart/loggin I get message sytem OSX keychain need you to type password

    I've already tried that the only thing that did is add some ghost chains in the listing box. I have login chain. two system chains one x509 anchors, one x509 certificates, and one ghost item I can't get rid of that just an empty square box similar to michaeljames I don't see this listing in...
  4. P

    reseting keychain password

    In systems previous to OSX.5 (can't speak to OSX.5 don't have a machine powerful enough to run Leopard) you would insert install CD then check the menu at the top and look for Reset Password click and follow instructions. Note if you have any previous keychains full of information they are...
  5. P

    Startup/restart/loggin I get message sytem OSX keychain need you to type password

    I don't know what I did. but I have any item in Keychain access named system I can unlock with my administrator Password from within Keychain Access. It doesn't show up on the Keychain Access item in menu bar. And I get message along the lines of. OSX requires you type password...