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  1. E

    Webcam for old iMac

    Thank you Ra3ndy, O have an iMac G4 and it has a CPu capacity of 800MHz whatever that means :). I am wondering how I would install on of those iSight webcams on my Mac ? Any help is great . I also very much love my little iMac G4 Elliot
  2. E

    Webcam for old iMac

    Hi All, I have been told that all I need to do is go to photobooth preferences and change the webcam input, Elliot
  3. E

    Webcam for old iMac

    Hello all, I am new and need some help. 1. I have an iMac G4. 2. I have a webcam. 3. the Webcam is a logitech Messenger one. 4. I would like to be able to use photobooth and would like to know if there is anything I can do to get it to work. thanks Elliot. it is running Tiger