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  1. G

    OS X command similar to UNIX/Linux shred

    Gday people, Is there a command in OS X that is similar to the UNIX/Linux command shred where you can specify the number of overwrites. I see that rm -P command/option allows only three overwrites, but I want to use the DoD standard of at least seven overwrites. Thanks!
  2. G


    Is there a GUI version of emacs available?
  3. G


    Morning all, In a terminal how do I bring up a texteditor like emacs up on a different window without bringing up another terminal? Where do I keep my aliases for the shell permanent? Ex: alias ll 'ls -la' Thanks! :)
  4. G

    howto network mac and linux

    Yahoooo!!!!:D I just got a new G4 Powerbook! I want to network my mac notebook with linux as the server. I was able to network the mac with the window$ box but unsuccessful with the linux one. Anyone know how to do this? I am using MAC OS X and Mandrake Linux 8.1 with a netgear...
  5. G

    Show us your ride!

    I dont know if it's a V or an I type engine.
  6. G

    Show us your ride!

    Yeah but it has a supercharger or a turbocharger so that's what gives it 300 hp from a four cylinder engine
  7. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    Does any one know if you can swap the Airport card in the 15" Powerbook to the Airport extreme card?
  8. G

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    I just saw one on this weeks "Smallville"
  9. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    I really like the 12" powerbook. Its small and cute! If it weren't so warm I'd get it right away. Now I'm divided between the 12" and the 15"
  10. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    I have a PC desktop with a monitor but none for Macs. I do not plan on getting a monitor unless I am either rich or I really have to. =)
  11. G

    Show us your ride!

    "Now that the Mitsu Lance Evo is coming to the US, I want to see what Subaru will do" Subaru is coming out with the WRX STI later this year. Although no official specs are out if I remember correctly the engine is a 2.5 L ~300 HP V4 engine along with 17" wheels and stabilizers. I think the...
  12. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    Woops. I meant I saw the 15" not the 17". My bad again :(
  13. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    Oh yeah I wish the 12" output less heat.
  14. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    I have seen both the 12" and the 17" Powerbook today at CompUSA and I havta tell you what I think. 12": small and cute. not as fast as the 17" PB, but good speed. Graphics were good but not as good as the 17". Much hotter than the 17". 17": large and expensive. fast and has very good...
  15. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    Hmmmm....interesting..... I belong to another forum 4 M$ Windblows and I don't get responses back like this! I don't want to bash people, but the people over in that forum don't seem to know squat. You people seem to be well versed in the Mac world which is cool =). I havta agree that the...
  16. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    I was looking to buy a new laptop for travel (work and recreation) since my current laptop is an old 133 MHz bookend. What I really wanna do with it are several things 1) Digital photo editing and graphics 2) video editing 3) I am more of a command line guru than a GUI person and MAC OS X...
  17. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    Does the 12" Powerbook come with a 1 MB level 3 cache? I looked on apple's website and it didn't say on the 12" but it did mention it on the 15" and 17"
  18. G

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    Damn you people. You have convince me to by a Powerbook G4 ;)