Search results

  1. M

    iWeb png fix for IE

    Any IE version less than 6 shouldn't even be considered as targets for anything new on the web. And ie6 barely qualifies, and our company have stopped doing any effort to make applications compatible with IE6, and barley IE7. IE8 have now become the only supported version, although highly...
  2. M

    Best RSS reader for MAC?

    Yea, I saw some good ones in my search. however the one I decided to use is NetNewsWire. Not only did it support authenticated news feeds, but it also synced with google reader so what I read or did in the netnewswire was reflected in google reader. So I can keep using google reader when I'm on...
  3. M

    Best RSS reader for MAC?

    I love Google Reader, but it doesn't support authenticated feeds and to keep a tab with my univ's rss feed I'd like a reader that does support that. So instead of spending my time trying out a bunch I'm just asking if anyone who have and got a preference in that respect? I've been using...
  4. M

    Transfering PAL video a nice format on either a macbook pro or a mac pro

    I'm sorry if I was vauge in my question, but thats exactly what I was asking for. What kind of frame grabber/digitizer hardware is reccomended for my use and computer(s). The software was added in the question because I have yet to purchase anything, so I want a grabber that I can use on my mac...
  5. M

    Transfering PAL video a nice format on either a macbook pro or a mac pro

    I want to transfer our old video-8 / vhs PAL video tapes to a nice format on either a macbook pro or a mac pro. Not sure what software I will be using to edit, but the format should be easily edited on the most popular softwares. I'll be exporting to dvds so the quality should stay somewhat...
  6. M

    Games for clausual gamer

    When I asked for games for the clausal gamer, I implied games that I could take a round of in fifteen minutes / half an hour and get back to work. Now your suggestions are good. World of Warcraft, the sims 3 and diablo are great if you got the entire weekend in front of you. But I wasn't too...
  7. M

    Games for clausual gamer

    I work full time and study, so you can imagine how little time I have for games. but at times I'd love to kill some minutes. so any good games for my use? I got both a radeon 4870 mac pro and a macbook pro with 9600m gt 512mb so I should be able to run about anything. Dualboot is ofcourse out of...
  8. M

    Mac Mail and GMail, 2 computer confusion

    I have a mac pro and a macbook pro, and I use gmail and google notifier to notify me about incoming mail, and clicking on that open gmail in your browser. which is great for my use.