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  1. J

    Quicktime opens a new window every song

    every song i play quicktime opens a new tiny little player and i need to hit play every time, cant i make it more like winamp where it was one main player window that played songs right after i double clicked the mp3
  2. J

    Keyboard Backlight

    ok so i just got my computer back from bestbuy, they replaced the hard drive so i need to customize my mac again. the only issue i am having is with the keyboard back lights; they wont go on. I read apples help diy thing and followed the 2 or 3 directions they gave me and still no luck...
  3. J

    how do i make changes to become generic

    A) how do i change it to make it gerneric for all mp3 files B) how do i change it to make it generic for all files to hide extensions
  4. J

    iTunes doesn't recognize my iPod

    i plug my ipod into my mac via the usb port as usual, and itunes just sits there with a blank look on its face and doesnt show that a new ipod is hooked up, and therefore doesn't put any songs on my ipod.