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  1. a-bort

    Mac OS X 10.3.1 soon

    ;) Thanks for the advice. I did consider this, and I know it's not at all smart to do, but then my computer is not in a state where i have to worry for a reinstall at all. So indeed, it's not advisable for others to do this to!!! It did install, did not find any problem, and the package...
  2. a-bort

    Mac OS X 10.3.1 soon

    I just installed 10.3.1 update 7C103!! (no, it's not on the apple website yet..) The .dmg is 448kb. I don't know where to look for what this little update did update.. Anybody sugestions where to look for possible changes?? There was no info about what it updates in the installer nor in the...
  3. a-bort

    There IS a dual boot solution!

    But.. Just wait untill the 10.2.8 is avialable again, as i said, it takes away the whole problem at once. You won't need to do anything anymore.. in other words, files will now open the way you want to, without unmounting or chmod-ing at all!
  4. a-bort

    There IS a dual boot solution!

    Ehm.. yes, right.. :) Your're right.. Well, i'm happy that i at least i can make this thread that since i installed 10.2.8 (i was in time..) the problem is GONE! Files will now open in the right application, the same for the icons in the dock!
  5. a-bort

    10.2.8 Released! Yea!

    Although i saw in this thread there where a lot of problems with installing 10.2.8 (when it was still online) Apple admitted one.. Ehm.. a little one.. About 10.2.7, Apple won't put a downloadable version of 10.2.7 just because it's only...
  6. a-bort

    10.2.8 Released! Yea!

    pfiew... I'm happy I updated today before they took it offline! I installed 10.2.8 on my PB Al 867mhz without any problem. Since then Safari runs at double speed!! I think this has to do with the included update on graphics. Indeed the 10.2.8...
  7. a-bort

    There IS a dual boot solution!

    I do a reply on myself, because i have a question. I made a simple application that i put in my startup items of osx 10.2 wich, does this all for me (now by 3 buttons, 1-open terminal and give the command "hdiutil unmount /dev/disk0s9 ", 2-quits the terminal 3-quits the app itself). I'm...
  8. a-bort

    There IS a dual boot solution!

    If you are, like me, in this situation: partition 1: osx 10.3 partition 2: osx 10.2 (or the other way arround) There IS a solution to unmount the 10.3 partition when you are working in 10.2 via the Terminal. This will stop for instance a double clicked text file trying (and failing) to open...
  9. a-bort


    Oh well, i'm curious for the possible new features again.. ofcourse :)
  10. a-bort

    Breaking: Beatles sue Apple (again)...

    What can is say ;) EDIT: I actually understand Apple Music. It would be great to take some extra pocket money everytime the change is there... Surely when you mostly earn money on only one (good) band that stopt playing for a while now.. So get as much as you can! (grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...)
  11. a-bort


    I did the same today (before reading that you did to.. ) It was already implemented in the wwdc version (7B202) wich i'm running curently... genehack: If you need stability go back to jag, without using wwdc (or other beta) on a seccond parition. (you might use a beta on a disconectable...
  12. a-bort


    And maybe Steve ;)
  13. a-bort word association!

  14. a-bort

    Are these in Panther?

    With all the effort in Rendez Vous, i think it would have been quite strange if they wouldn't have included fontsharing over a network with Fontbook. Happy to hear they did!
  15. a-bort


    "As noted nothing with mass can travel faster than light, however the mass of tachyons is considered to be imaginary..." Quote from: :eek: :p ::love::
  16. a-bort

    Suddenly can't use localhost for mailserver

    Did it work for you?
  17. a-bort

    Apple Store reached?

    you might already found out, but anyway the number of apple a-dam you want to call is 020-346 9163 >at least they might now what to do groeten!
  18. a-bort word association!

  19. a-bort

    Suddenly can't use localhost for mailserver

    It's the do with the permision thing of sendmail.. It can be very frustrating.. Try this: sudo chmod go-w / /etc /etc/mail /usr /var /var/spool Mail needs it to get to work. Now i also understand that it happens with an update. Akll the permisions are resetted. You need the line i just...