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  1. S

    Macbook Booting (HD) problem

    and hmm, 'cause i'm going to fly off to an other place tomorrow and im gonna stay there for a week--can i get repairs over there too (or must it be from the same store that i purcahsed the lappy from?)
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    Macbook Booting (HD) problem

    i did this a million times and i did it just once again--no cigar. so what should i do next?
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    Macbook Booting (HD) problem

    I got my macbook yesterday and i was checkin' around the computer--takin' off the battery and lookin' at the rams n etc. then i put it all together and now its not working here's what happens when i press the power button 1) a flick of white light. 2) the sleep indicator light is...
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    disk disppears when attemptng to install

    hey everybody. I'm trying to reinstall my macosx panther (i know im outdated but..) on my ibook g4 but i cant because the install cd doesnt recognize my harddrive as a disk, thus theres nothing that i can install with. so what should i do? seth
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    system crashed

    no i did not drop it. and its histachi. i tried option restartting it and still theres just two buttons, one restart and one arrow, and i tried pressing both, doesnt work at al. so what should i do?
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    system crashed

    do you know why this is happening? The problem here is that I cant get to my system cds becasue they are at home and I'm stuck here hah. But im not worrying because i ll be home this weekend or i could ask my dad to get them.
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    system crashed

    well believe it and cry. And the bar wasnt much of a bar, and I'm a minor. :)
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    system crashed

    i dunno why this happened. I came back from a bar, sober and all, and there was my ibook g4 laying like a sleeping baby, but there was something different about it this time. nothing worked. hell froze over twice. so i thought this was something stupid just an error that ll go after a push of...
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    apple cinema 23" display as TV

    frankly, yes. i need something that i can watch tv without using my mac and yet i can just switch the display between a montior and a tv.. i use a laptop.
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    apple cinema 23" display as TV

    i'm getting a 23 inch apple cinema display and since I'm getting into college this fall,i would like to be able to use my macbook in and out of the dorm room with my cinema display as extended or mirroring real estate for the laptop. But I WOULD also like to be able to use it as a TV, and...
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    CSS problem (background/background-image)

    i ve never used the function "background" to create an background image until now- im trying to make this work but the problem is: if the code is in the page itself and not linked to the external css page it will work---> <style type="text/css"> body{ background...
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    Adobe Photoshop cannot save files in PNG + etc

    My Photoshop CS2 began to work up recently: I am unable to save files in jpg, gif, png formats– but only in psd, psb, tiff formats. this is unlike before, when every time i attempted to save something, there was "thousands" of options on the type of the format that i was going to save in, but...
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    EMGERENCY! My pictures folder is goneee!

    well, i checked iphoto and everything else before i created this thread, nothing. so what am i to do?
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    EMGERENCY! My pictures folder is goneee!

    Just instanteously, i attempted to find some pictures in the pictures folder, but i couldnt open the pictures folder from the finder window's sidebar... and i realized that its gone from my home folder, and whats worse, i havent done anything with this computer at least for a week! so what...
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    Adobe Illustrator Cs2

    Hello There. I have been having problems with my new Adobe Illustrator CS2, because frequently it will crash when i try to save a file into a different directory directly from the program, or when starting up, the menu bar will sometimes be blank, so everything would be inacessible. Both of...
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    Adobe Illustrator CS2 Menu bar problem

    hmm. after the crash, i restarted illustrator... didnt work, once again (speaking of the menu bar.)
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    Adobe Illustrator CS2 Menu bar problem

    Hey Everyone. I have been having problems with my newer version of Illustrator CS, as in that i installed the CS2 version recently. Problem number one: Since the installation, the program crashes when i attempt to save the file in an other place other than the original folder where i...
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    Updating/Installing PRoblemss!

    the updates are from the automatic system updates and i cannot update, nor install anything like Adobe photoshop cs because the installer and the updater will crash.
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    Updating/Installing PRoblemss!

    Every time i attempt to install something or update the software (panther) the installer always crashes before it can begin installing whatever it is supposed to. So any help here?
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    Bypassing the RAM Requirements

    Thanks. Now its installing n working just fine. Ll keep that in mind if it happens again in the future.