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  1. P

    Longest Uptime??

    but not as funny to get a real uptime
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    Longest Uptime??

    my linux server @ home is up for about 120 days, and my longest mac up time is 3 days on a 6100 :) windows is about 19 days, and that's 1 thing i can't still believe :p
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    it's cool :cool:
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    OSX and M$ Exchange Server a great program for all sort of platforms, and it has a mail function for connections to a exchange server or internet mail.
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    OS X Server is some wicked kit!

    if had to do this with windows, i wish i was death :p with 1 sysadmin and windows this is inpossible
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    Bill Gates----

    bill just made some F*cking good choices in his life, that's why he has lots of money. but it's your choice if u don't wanna use his product.:p
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    UNIX Family Tree

    What kind of job does this guy/girl has if he made this thing, damm. but i'm not saying this is a boring thing, very intresting.
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    Harddrive clicking noise OX X only.

    is it a click like something keeps sticky behind something and then suddenly releases or just a "click" of a hd that's reading/writing/searching the disk
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    Apple Share IP 6.3 to OS X Server Issues

    if i remember, there was a build in web page to manage the apple share server, from that page u can manage your share points (this was in version 1 beta). for the web page u have to read the manual for the port where it's listining. about the pop-screen for the web pages, that's a apache...
  10. P

    classic: adsl fails?

    there is a problem that program is not working in classis under X (and back) because the driver can't work with classic, this is only with programs that want to talk to the hardware direct (chooser and all sort of that programs). maybe it works if u boot under classic.
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    OS X on a Sun blade 100 desktop

    that's why the source needs to be ported to talk with the hardware, i only say it's posible when u can realy do some good programming :)
  12. P

    OS X on a Sun blade 100 desktop

    if u port it, it's posible. and because mac os X is called unix, it should be posix, but how u port it, i don't know.
  13. P

    Flat screen iMac

    what i wanted to say is, that the video is unstable with +500mhz
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    To all Tibook owners...

    this is not a problem, but a an error at the design team of apple, more pb g4 have this problem, just go to an Apple repair center. another problem is that the dvd drive can't read disc where the inside is "painted". i have seen lots of problem with the dvd and pb g4:mad:
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    Flat screen iMac

    next week there is a new iMac, and this is 100% correct:eek:
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    Macwold NY annoucement.. What do you think.........

    the processor in intergrated in the mainboard, so the answer is no.:(
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    color ls!!!

    hmmm, it just looks like the same in linux slackware
  18. P

    Flat screen iMac

    all the radio signals (from all high-speed components (cpu or whatever)) disturb all other components (like video), i'm not saying the crt is buggy (sometimes u need to change videoboards because they cannot work any more because of these radio signal) but why, only >500mhz iMacs has this...
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    Flat screen iMac

    Where, i don't see anything which looks like a shield or something, and the problem is not in the crt, but in the components in the boards, and i don't think it's cheap to shield every chip:eek:
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    Flat screen iMac

    ok i work @ an apple dealer, and i also repair iMac. the main problem with the iMac is, that in the lots of iMac, there is so much "radio noice"(from cpu etc etc) inside it, that your monitor isn't stable. so why the hell make something new, if the old thing isn't working fine.:confused: