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  1. L

    SAMBA and anonymous access??

    Awesome! Thanks!
  2. L

    SAMBA and anonymous access??

    I'm one of only a few mac users out of hundreds of computers in my office, so obviously I'm forced to find workarounds to "get along" with everybody else (Win 98 and 2000 users). The group of people I work with makes extensive use of Windows File Sharing, and now thanks to OS X, I'm almost a...
  3. L

    samba question w/10.2.2

    So here's my situation. I work at a company that is predominantly windows based. I managed to get my hands on a new dual 867 G4 running 10.2. Anyway, there is a lot of file sharing that goes on among all the users here. Simple enough, right? Just turn on Windows file sharing (just a SAMBA...
  4. L

    Possible to run 10.1 on new MDD G4

    Thanks for the quick replies everyone. OS 9 is already on there, so I'm not worried about that. The only 10.1 install disc I have is the one that came with my iBook, so I kind of doubt I'd be able to install it anyway. Maybe I'll just go ahead and throw 10.2 on it and hope for the best. I...
  5. L

    Possible to run 10.1 on new MDD G4

    So I just got my new work computer the other day. Managed to get a brand new MDD G4 instead of a Win 2000 POS. It hasn't officially been hooked up for me yet, but I fired it up anyway. Would you believe the IT department wiped OS X off of it??!?! They actually expect me to run OS 9 on it...
  6. L

    Well, Apple beat me. I gave up the fight.

    I haven't managed to post it yet. Still on vacation. Should be up by the end of next week.....perfect timing. I'm sure Apple will announce something that'll lower the value of it. Just my luck.:D
  7. L

    Annoying "feature" of iDisk

    Just to throw in my $.02 I've got a cable modem at home (at least until excite@home totally shuts down ;)) and my iDisk is barely tolerable. Oddly enough, when I access it from my Win 98 machine at work (T1 line) it is dang fast. Almost as fast as my LAN access.
  8. L

    Well, Apple beat me. I gave up the fight.

    Wow, my little rant is gonna end up costing someone $5 whole dollars?! To the loser of the bet....maybe you can get yourself a second job dusting off all the products in Apple's booth to make some extra cash.:D Anyway, I am excited to be getting a new laptop, I'm just kinda ticked Apple...
  9. L

    Well, Apple beat me. I gave up the fight.

    Honestly, I'm not all that upset about it. It does tick me off that Apple doesn't fully support some of it's "supported" hardware. I've only had my lombard for about 2 and a half years now. I figured I'd have to upgrade this year anyway, but I really didn't want to make a move until the end...
  10. L

    Well, Apple beat me. I gave up the fight.

    Well, I've finally given up waiting for Apple to release decent drivers for my ATI Rage Pro and DVD decoding in my Lombard Powerbook. I've been hoping for almost a year now that I'd get to keep using my trusty old book with OS X. Finally got sick of it. Played right in to Apple's hands too...
  11. L

    Fonts are ugly in Word X!

    Actually, as I understand it, Office is a bastardized child of Carbon and Cocoa. Must of the underlying code is Carbon, but it fully utilizes Quartz for all of it's interface, so there's got to be some cocoa thrown in there. Seems to me if they're using Quartz for imaging, it shouldn't have...
  12. L

    PB G3 Firewire DVD Playback

    Actually, only 1999 and earlier Powerbooks used hardware decoding. The Pismo powerbook (Powerbook G3 with built in firewire) does software decoding. I've heard a lot of complaints about video mirroring with DVD though. Hopefully Apple's working on it.
  13. L

    my quicksilver doesn't keep time

    If all else fails, you can go in to the date and time preferences and tell it to sync with Apple's (or a variety of others') time server over the internet.
  14. L

    Unsupported AirPort

    Several companies make PCI adapter cards to plug wireless PC cards in to, but none of these companies are making OSX drivers for their cards. There's an open source project to make drivers, but apparently they can't get any of them to work with the PCI adapters. Something to do with apple's...
  15. L

    OS X will not automatically go into sleep...only manually

    Well, my Lombard has never gone to sleep on its own if I have anything running at all. The only way it'll go to sleep on it's own is if I close all running apps. It's been like this since the days of running 8.6
  16. L

    CD-RW drive

    Well, Apple is always adding new burners to it's list, so you may be OK eventually. In the mean time, you can always try Toast. You can download an OSX trial version from apple.
  17. L

    Playing Quicktime movies saved from the temporary items folder

    So I went to Apple's site and watched a few trailers. After watching the Monsters, Inc. trailer for about the 100th time, I decided I wanted to keep it, so I got Tinkertool to make all my invisible files visible and found the Temporary Items folder. Actual path is /501/Temporary Items but I...
  18. L

    Rudimentarty support for Rage Pro graphics

    Found these two links over at Accelerate Your Mac. Apparently people have found some files on the 10.1 CD that appear to be early development builds of drivers for Rage Pro graphics cards. I may try them on my Lombard at home tonight. Here's the links: note: They're both on Apple's...