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  1. T

    What would YOU like to see at MWNY?

    a friend of my told me something on what she thinks might be shown, and damn i hope so! - Apple Digital Camera or Video Camera and 10.2 to work on my imac :rolleyes:
  2. T

    Prove it: a new boot screen?

    i just started to isntall jag. 6c85 and this is almost exactly wat the new boot screen looks like on my imac 333 this was drawn in ms paint.
  3. T

    Dock Or Taskbar?!

    one thing you don't knwo where i come from. i did macxp and help run that was what we did . we converted like every osx icon and port it to xp. same with themes and progs. its jsut a shame like you see on how people convert stuff without permission these days.
  4. T

    Dock Or Taskbar?!

    God I HATE WINDOWS!!!! Plus windows users can't make shit their selfs all they do is port something from osx :S ACK IT PISSES ME OFF! that i was once like that :S
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    Make all windows view Global?

    i'm not talkin about it not saving hte settings i just would like every folder to be the same so i don't have to set up everyone by one by one by one...
  6. T

    Make all windows view Global?

    that helped but what about makign ALL folders view global isntead of doing 1 by 1 by 1
  7. T

    Make all windows view Global?

    My folders in osx are messed up they keep going back to view this window only on the icon sizes. is there a way to make EVERY folder view in global? Thanks Tim
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    What Do you think of these icons?! ...

    there is a link under hte pic i posted ;) enjoy :) i got a few more coming tonite that digi made
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    What Do you think of these icons?! ...

    Blue Icons (OSX) Icons Made by Digi ported by me. :) Enjoy.
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    What Do you think of these icons?! ...

    oh yes you like my nice icons i ported lol. I'll post a link tomorrow once i finish the readme.
  11. T Look!

    i'm glad its not my site but he helped do mine well i'm glad mine was gone before this but like i said an apple a day makes a site go away
  12. T Look!

    Look what happened to
  13. T

    mac xp is gone i think i'll turn it into a forum like this but mainly for desktops and *talk about making ur windows look like osx* no files will be hosted but something simple for everyone i hope this makes all the mac users out there happier.
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    yea hey i don't care no more my hits have gone up double thank you!
  15. T

    yea all my fault its whos ever fault for starting this thread.... but no names ;) and i didn't just saying stealing was money i just had a !!!! thing at the end of sorry about the grammer *windows users :rolleyes: but credit also. i'll bring it up again if apple wanted this to be removed they...
  16. T

    we do not steal the AQUA theme stealing has to do with money! credit and other stuff. we are using it for personal use ok if thats not good enough how about educational purposes. we all know yall are using the luna theme on yalls mac ;)
  17. T

    well i'm just sick of the fact my sites shoutbox and my inbox is flooded. i can deal with all this hate about how my site sux yak yak yak. i mean how do you think aol feels about their progs they know it sux but some people use them. like my stuff alot hate but some luv. so i think i'll leave my...
  18. T

    well not sure if yall know this or not but MACXP.NET isn't where these apps came from but from another site... now do not go doing stuff to that site its the original aqua site. now as for these apps the whole point is to make windows look like a mac now duh aqua finder is SUPPOSED...
  19. T

    just drop it i mean yall got wat yall wanted
  20. T

    i know here i think this was all over i removed everything and it was all peachy now..... its a different story just give it up. yall got what yall want and as for grammer CHILL OUT this is the inet now school. the only reason i deal with this is cause i visit this site all the time...