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  1. P

    What I dont like about mac (tell me what you think)

    <complaint mode> Finder doesn't change the cursor when you are in the area that allows window resize - I'm regularly finding myself activating another window because I was just slightly off For that matter, I really want to modify the window size using any edge of the window (like Windows...
  2. P

    powerbook G4 gray screen on start - tried suggestions from other posts

    I've done the recommendations on that page - except for booting from the Install disk (which is currently at home in another city) So, is there something besides resetting the pram and pmu that I can do? Thanks
  3. P

    powerbook G4 gray screen on start - tried suggestions from other posts

    I clicked on a link on the San Diego newspaper website and the screen on the 15 inch powerbook G4 1.67Mhz I was using just went blank and the computer apparently shut down. When I attempt to power it on, I hear one chime, then the disk spins for a about 3 seconds, then the screen goes from...
  4. P

    G4 printing through a network

    Actually, we've taken Linux out of the picture - we have the same issue when using a print server. OS X knows there's a printer there, it is requiring me to select the model from a dropdown list and my printer is not in the list. I don't know what Rendezvous/Bonjour is.
  5. P

    G4 printing through a network

    Thanks. I've never heard of such a thing. How does one get that special driver? What do I need to search for? Who supplies it? Interestingly, the Windows machines on the network use their standard driver just fine.
  6. P

    G4 printing through a network

    I have a Powerbook G4 (running OS X 10.4.4) and I just got a new Canon MP830 (multifunction machine). The good news is - if I connect the Canon to the Powerbook directly using the USB cable it works fine. The bad news is - when I connect through my network, it prints really really small...
  7. P

    iWeb importing

    Similar query - I have existing websites that I created in (Windows) Notepad. I want to import them into iWeb. The pages all contain php code, so TextEdit isn't the best choice.
  8. P

    X11 Remote

    The threads in this forum seem to be focused on using X11 on the Mac to run applications on the Mac. My issue is slightly different. How do I run X11 to access my Linux box applications? Basicially, I'm looking for something that will give a graphical (X11) rather than text (Telnet)...
  9. P

    What Changed You???

    I switched from Mac to Windows in 1991 because I got tired of paying the premium for everything from printer cables to software. Also, I found every program I used at the time had equivalent or better versions for Windows. Windows NT and especially 2000 only served to confirm my decision. I...
  10. P

    Hibernate alternative?

    One of the things I miss from Windows is the ability "Hibernate". I can't find an equivalent option on the Mac - "Sleep" on the Mac is like "Standby" on Windows and still uses battery. Does anyone know of a way to save the state of the machine to disk (so it isn't using battery) then...