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  1. C

    Real player!

    I hate real media files like .rm and .ram. I can't find anyway to play them! To download real player you have to give your credit card # which is just ridiculous, out of the question for me since I don't have a credit card. And to convert them, the only solution I have found is an add on to...
  2. C

    Can't get on msn

    I logged in at my friends house on his machine onto my msn account. I got dsl internet with a router. Im running panter on a g4 iMac. Also got a pc on the same internet connection, and I can't access from that computer either. I can access all other websites fine, its only...
  3. C

    Can't get on msn

    Just thought I'd let you know that I can log into msn from my friends house. Still no luck at home this is very stange. Somebody please help me!
  4. C

    Can't get on msn

    I can't login to msn. I haven't been able to for the last few days, trying both Microsoft Messenger and Adium. Whats even more strange is I can't even access the website. But I have phoned friends and everything works fine for them. Anyone have any idea what could be wrong?
  5. C

    Can't right click!

    dannng your smart:D thankyou!
  6. C

    Can't right click!

    When I hold down control and click, the finder relaunches. But I can right click in Safari and other applications. Anyone know whats wrong?