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  1. G

    Question - Answer

    [Serene Voice] I don't believe jadey bikes in mundane circumstances. She walks (or rides) the spiritual path, that path of life, the universe, and everything... [/Serene Voice] or something... Who was supermans father's, mother's, X roomate's, dentist's grandpa's, son's, daughter's, lawer?
  2. G

    Question - Answer

    Damnit, you caught on to my scheme to make myself seem younger quicker then I thought... :) I wonder why no one is answering xoot's question... *cough cough* I'll rephrase it so you guys can answer it better. Why is xoot's ego so big? :P
  3. G

    Question - Answer

    In response again (even if it isn't aloud), I don't have a life either and i'm 11. We keep asking questions about you because your an enigma. We must know! :P What's the big deal about "having a life" and why can't you download one? Doesn't having a life constitute being stupid? :)
  4. G

    Question - Answer

    Hell, no. Why is this turning into a conversation between me and xoot?
  5. G

    Question - Answer

    I don't have one... yet. Why don't pc users have forums or communities?
  6. G

    Question - Answer

    Because dancing is stupid. When will steve ballmer next make a public fool of himself?!?
  7. G

    Question - Answer

    When you stop posting faster the cosmos can expand enough to make net space for all your posts. Why does xoot have over fourty visitors to his blog?
  8. G

    Local Commercials

    NO! I don't believe you are eleven! Rebel against xoot... elevenenism... or something!
  9. G

    The "I'm Back" thread

    Yay! Nothing happened! Say it now... Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Well I guess i'll be coming back as I hate all the other mac forums, but I don't think this place will ever be the same... to bad :(. I guess i'll see you around.
  10. G

    "My Mac just works."

    I just found this while trying to get the matrix trailer. I hate it, though it will be good for converting pc users...
  11. G

    Lifelong Dream...

    Well, i've read all your dreams, and after careful deliberation, all I have to say is some of you have wierd dreams!
  12. G


    I have to say, when i'm around bluefusion the same thing happens to me. I seriously don't think it's anything phychological. Before I even knew about it, I saw it when bluefusion was around. I swear there is something seriously wrong here..
  13. G

    What's your job? ? ?

    The admins job is to delete this thread. :p
  14. G

    my desktop > your desktop *pic*

    You should just use one of the photo's you've taken, use the one of the distorted bus, or one that makes your cat look insane.
  15. G

    Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

    Your not insane... just a little off. :p
  16. G

    Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

    That would work if you hadn't already claimed that we knew each other irl... You're contradicting yourself, that can't be good for everyones saintly image of you. (Cue for someone to make a halo over his head in photo shop).
  17. G

    my desktop > your desktop *pic*

    DAMN, Solrac, Stylewise, and julguribye, you all have awesome desktops. Sorry I can't contribute but.. umm... My computer can't take snap shots, that's it!
  18. G

    Congrats to Bluefusion!!!

    I've seen you before.. So have abasscube and divisiban... :p Congrats.
  19. G

    Gift idea for three year old girl

    Tell her that she's going to have imaginary presents this year! :p
  20. G

    congrats to xaqintosh!!

    I don't have one either. :p