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  1. T

    Problems transferring mail folders from eMac to Mac Mini

    Isn't it a funny old world? Just when I thought I might get things taken care of, the eMac died. The screen started fluctuating wildly, random lockage occurred, and now it won't startup at all. I think it's the power supply (it's not that video cable, because I've already replaced it)...
  2. T

    Problems transferring mail folders from eMac to Mac Mini

    I would try the same thing again, but this time boot the eMac into Firewire mode - by holding down the APPLE + T keys. This makes the eMac display and be an external drive to the Mac Mini - then try the import. I will try this just as soon as I run out and get a firewire cable. Sorry - all...
  3. T

    Problems transferring mail folders from eMac to Mac Mini

    Okay, so here’s the problem. I just upgraded my boss - well, her computer, anyway - from an eMac running 10.2.8 to a Mini running 10.4.6. I am now having problems transferring mailboxes from the old computer to the new one. She is one of those people who have a couple of thousand messages...