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    iMac having some hard times :(

    Reformat fixed it. Guess should have went with my gut and no need to ask here. thanks anyway.
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    iMac having some hard times :(

    I tried to do an 'Archine & Install' but consistently hangs every time on 98% when initializing disk and says it cannot install due to an error. So I take it then it's time to reformat? Should I wait for the new version of X or just buy the new one that's out now?
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    iMac having some hard times :(

    Permissions: Yes. Disk Repair: Yes. Peripherals: Maxtor 200GB ext usb hd. Epson scanner. Multi-Card reader via usb. iPod mini also connected. Also have tried with all peripherals off and disconnected. Haven't been able to find anything in search. Hi all. Wondering if I can get some...
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    FS: MacAlly USB mic with line in and out

    Hey all. Have my macally usb mic up on ebay. Worked great for my g4 without line in / out and mic.
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    iBook battery draining during sleep.

    trip: no. sleep is a lower power mode meaning it drains LESS.
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    Advice on shipping

    um ok let me be more specfic. does anyone have experience shipping as heavy as things as these? I know that some places pack them for you to send but not sure if anyone had experience with that.
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    Advice on shipping

    I hope this is the right place to ask this. I'm going to sell my g4 and 17 inch studio display (crt) monitor. I don't have the original boxes and packing material. Does anyone have any advice on where to buy stuff to pack them? Wheres the cheapest and does anyone have a box lying around for a...
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    iPod users! Don't forget!

    To check software update and get the new version! has an awesome music quiz game! and the battery meter is way better. instead of blocks ticking down for power its more percise. its a continous filled battery bar displayed on the pod.
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    Why is the 10.2.8 Update Temporarily Unavailable?

    i have 10.2.8! nah nah nah nah nah! ;)
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    Little Online Game Here!

    What is that? I don't know if I would call it a game.
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    Medal of Honor

    All I know is that Spearhead is utter garbage for the mac. Graphics problems, red lines on things , glitching, its horrible. Some levels in single player I cannot even play because it is so choppy. A tank scene is not playable, but in AA the game is perfectly fine. I don't get it. OH and i have...
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    Do I have AGP??????

    Well what card do you have now? I have a 466mhz G4 tower and i think its the same year as yours and yes I have AGP slot card. But be careful. I'm not sure PC cards will work. I know if i ever wanted to get a new one from my geforce 2 mx it woul dhave to be a mac special one since i have...
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    Installing new RAM

    Perseus: For your reference: And for info how to install ram: Hope that helps.
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    Disappearing HD Space

    I think the bigger the hard drive the more you lose. I think your loss is relative. Remember especially in macs the hard drive size is calculated differently. Sorry i don't have specifics though.
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    ADC woes...

    Yea the games i really want to play on PC aren't even available for mac. Hence the reason why I'd get a PC for it. Arden: The 2GHZ AMD XP is comparable. Well the G5 hasn't been out yet so I guess little bit jumping the gun on that one. Building your own PC is what i'm talking about. My...
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    ADC woes...

    I checked and you can get pretty much the highest level processor which will yes run all the games out now (2ghz AMD). Well my G4 is less then 3 years old and can't run games that are coming out (Spearhead, Sim City 4, America's Army, Unreal 2k3). And i'm finding that yea some pc's aren't...
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    ADC woes...

    Yes my monitor is ADC powered. Like i said before it was the last CRT sold by apple and used it. My concern is that the ADC-VGA adapter boxes say that they only work on LCD's. I'm sure the power drain from a crt is a lot more. I'm not sure if DVI would work either. I might end up buying...
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    ADC woes...

    Hi. I have a 17 inch Studio Display (the clear model and last CRT made by apple before LCD takeover) and I was wondering. I was thinking of maybe getting a PC ::love:: yes i know.. but i can't afford a new mac they are too expensive now and i was thinking a cheap pc for games anyway. Is...
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    New iMac cd drive broken

    i think you better call apple. and why not. they will most likely get it fixed for you.
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    The importance of removing "bad" RAM from your Mac

    I have a 512 stick of the more quality tested ram. But I have another 256 stick of the "cheaper". I've never ever had a kernal panic or any other strange behavior ever. I guess it just depends but I wouldn't be so quick to go after the ram excluslively.