Search results

  1. Y

    GoLive CS & dynamic content?

    As I understand, they removed this feature as part of their GoLive CS "Upgrade." Big mistake, in my opinion. I couldn't upgrade because of that and had to switch to Dreamweaver MX 2004
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    Simple Javascript question

    That's a great idea, and I found a way to to it. Check it out and tell me what you think. :D
  3. Y

    Simple Javascript question

    I have compiled all of your suggestions and came up with this. My goal was to create an idiot-proof unit converter for my homemade wine website. I also needed a way for a person to be able to display more than one conversion at the same time. Most of my users are not very computer savy so I...
  4. Y

    Simple Javascript question

    I have been narrowing down the problems, and discovered it is the toPrecision() and toFixed() methods that are causing my problem. Once I commented that line out, everything works in all my browsers. After further testing I think it may be a defect in the WebKit core used in Safari and Omniweb...
  5. Y

    Simple Javascript question

    Thanks. I forgot to add the ";" I've added them, but i am still seeing odd behavior: 1. Works fine in Mozilla v1.3 (Mac) and v1.4 (Win XP Pro) 2. Works fine in IE 6 (Win XP Pro) 3. Does not work in IE (v5.23 Mac) 4. Does not work in Safari(v1.1 Mac). Any other suggestions?
  6. Y

    Simple Javascript question

    Your suggestions worked, but it only works in Mozilla. IE and Safari do not pass the numbers correctly. I have added a link here showing my problem. Using either IE or Satari, enter a number in any of the textfields on the left and click one of the textfields on the right. Notice the...
  7. Y

    Simple Javascript question

    I am trying to write what should be an incredibly easy script and cannot get it working on either Mozilla or IE. Description: 1. User enters a number in the first textfield representing ounces. 2. User clicks out of the textfield and the number is converted from ounces to grams in a second...
  8. Y

    Parts for sale

    I just found a local person who is going to try to fix my broken iBook. Therefore, I will be taking that item off the "auction block" for a while. Sorry everyone for the confusion and getting your hopes up. :(
  9. Y

    Parts for sale

    No Problem :p
  10. Y

    Parts for sale

    14 months. Just an FYI. Some one PMed me and offered $200.00 and I am waiting for a response from that person. If I do not hear from them by the end of today then I will let you have it. Sound good?
  11. Y

    Parts for sale

    Sorry. I would rather not part it out.
  12. Y

    Parts for sale

    Any other bidders? Do I hear $250.00 :)
  13. Y

    Parts for sale

    Well, my roommate is really my "domestic partner" of almost nine years. I know he did not mean it so I just ate the cost of a new iBook. He feels guilty enough about it and I don't think it would be right to make him feel worse by making him buy me a whole new computer. I guess that's what tests...
  14. Y

    Parts for sale

    It is a dual USB 600 MHz iBook with a combo CD/CDR/CDRW/DVD drive. It boots up but has no video. My roommate spilled a small amount of grape flavored soda on the keyboard. The rep at the Apple store felt the video back lighting was damaged and it would be a costly repair. That's why I selling it...
  15. Y

    Parts for sale

    Over Christmas I had an INCREDIBLE stoke of bad luck. My roommate spilled soda on my iBook and blew out the back lighting. Forcing me to to buy a new one. Then two days later the power supply died on my Grape 333 MHz iMac. Forcing me to buy a new iMac. I have taken all the parts I want out of...
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    Register Here

    register me!
  17. Y

    used mac price

    I might consider buying your G4. Email me if interested :)
  18. Y

    Sidekick Anyone

    Just got one from T-Mobile. LOOOOOVE it. Anyone else get one yet? P.S. I'm posting this message using the Sidekick.
  19. Y

    How many years using the mac?

    Been using the Mac since 1986. Everything from a 512Ke, IIci, IIfx, IIsi, LC LCII, SE, SE/30, 7200, Beige G3, B&W G3, G4, iMac 333 and iBook.
  20. Y

    Serious Airport Problems

    It was not losing the signal strength. It would just drop the connection. Very strange. Powermac, I tried what you suggested and it had no effect. Fortunately, ever since I did what was described in my last post, it has been doing fine (Cross your fingers). I'll give y'all an update later...