Search results

  1. R

    Next generation iPods - When?

    They will probably come out any day now since I just bought a 40GB iPod. ;-) But you know what - I DON'T CARE - I love it! I've got my iBook busy converting all my CDs and it is clear they won't all fit, but then I haven't been selective yet on what songs are keepers. I must admit that it...
  2. R

    g5 freeze! Help! after some minutes without doing anything

    What a coincidence - my wife's G4 iMac has suffered the same problem repeatedly these past couple weeks. I just looked in the Apple Knowledge Base at article 106227 (I searched on "OS X restart message"). They suggest looking at the "panic.log" file in the /Library/Logs/ directory. Article...
  3. R

    Seek recommendations for a beginning programmer

    So far we have tried TNT basic but it keeps giving errors about the program (TNT Basic) not running. (I don't remember the exact error message right now.) I even tried to cut/paste an example program into TNT Basic and it gave the same error. :( I haven't had time to try downloading a...
  4. R

    Seek recommendations for a beginning programmer

    My 11-year old son wants to learn computer programming. I am looking for recommendations for a good beginning language (BASIC???) to get him started. I want to keep it simple so he has some early successes and will be encouraged to continue to learn more languages. So far I have...
  5. R

    Big problems reverting to 10.2 from 10.3 HELP!!!

    Just finished the reinstall of 10.2. As soon as I logged in to my account it went straight to the Darwin/BSD console screen. At least it recognized my password... If I control D out of the console it takes me back to the login screen. I can log in to my other account OK, but when I log in...
  6. R

    Big problems reverting to 10.2 from 10.3 HELP!!!

    After upgrading to 10.3 on my wife's flat panel iMac (640MB), 800Mhz, VirtualPC has been all but unusable. I finally decided to reinstall 10.2. Big problems! Once the reinstall completed it wouldn't recognize my password at login (yes I saved it during the install). I was able to log into...
  7. R

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    VirtualPC 5 has totally flaked out on my wife's iMac since I installed 10.3. It is eating 100% of CPU and accomplishing almost nothing (which I suppose would be normal on a PC). I'm considering moving her back to 10.2.6 and if that doesn't do it, I will probably have to reinstall VPC. Too bad...
  8. R

    10.2.8 freezes

    I checked out your link to MacFixit - it says the problem only applied if there was 192+MB of RAM, my buddy has 160 MB. I applied the fix anyway and IT WORKED!!! Well, mostly - Safari consistently crashes on launch, even after a reinstall, but I.E. and Camino work OK. His consistent iPhoto...
  9. R

    10.2.8 freezes

    My buddy says that Repair Permissions freezes after 10 seconds. I had him run Norton Disk DOctor which reported major directory errors and other problems. Fixing them didn't help. TechTool also found some minor problems but fixing them didn't help either. He is going to try installing...
  10. R

    Anyone using OpenOSX Wintel for Mac OSX?

    I didn't get any hits when searching for OpenOSX Wintel for OSX or variations thereof. A search on Version Tracker showed some feedback, mostly negative. I also found that Blue Emulator (?) doesn't support OS X yet.
  11. R

    10.2.8 freezes

    My buddy just installed the 10.2.8 update via Software Update on his 233Mhz iMac and now it consistently freezes, especially in iPhoto. Everything ran fine before the update. I don't recall how much memory he has installed but I'm sure he has maxed out the machine. I suggested unplugging...
  12. R

    Anyone using OpenOSX Wintel for Mac OSX?

    I've been using VirtualPC for a long time and was wondering if anyone has compared it against OpenOSX's Wintel for Mac OSX product? Which is faster, more stable, easier to configure, etc?
  13. R

    A good little OSX game to recommend me ?

    Try SNOOD - mindless and very addicting (you have been warned). You can get it at