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  1. S

    New Xservers are made in China?

    Almost everything from Apple is assembled overseas, didn't you see the videos of the people working 16-20 hours a day building ipods?
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    authenticating NT domain users, help!

    I didn't notice the NT, that is so old I assumed everyone was up to AD after 2002-2003 when NT support was dropped by Microsoft. Seriously consider upgrading, it is so much easier in AD and the plugins are already there in OS X. Going from PDC/BDC to just DCs makes life alot easier.
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    AirPort and the default gateway

    If you uncheck Distribute IP addresses under the Network tab the Airport will act as a hub and pass DHCP info, this is assuming you have more than 1 IP available from the DSL company. I do not at home so 1 machine would work and that's all this way. The Airport is providing NAT to the machines...
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    Windows 2003 Server - Getting Mac to share

    You can bind you machine to the Active Directory using Directory Access in Applications/Utilities and add yourself to the Workgroup using the SMB tab and filling in the WINS server.
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    Configuring Airport extreme

    I ran Free Radius and couldn't get an encrypted Authentication request back through either the Aiport Snow or Extreme so I went to MAC filtering. The most common use of RADIUS is MAC filtering such as: In order to use a...
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    Expanding Partitions

    The newest Bootcamp is supposed to allow expandable partitions but I haven't tried it.
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    Parallels confusion

    If you are in college, XP should be around $49 in the bookstore as an OS upgrade and yes OS X is considered ok my Microsoft, parallels was $40 when i bought it, $79 now, still cheaper than buying a PC with XP.You'd need it if you ran Bootcamp too.
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    Fully qualified DNS name

    Remember, you need reverse DNS probably to do what you are after, if Open Directory is involved and if your office uses MSFT DNS you will need an Admin to do forward and reverse pointers, simply naming a server won't register it in DNS.
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    Home Network

    I use rsync, its free.
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    Configuring Airport extreme

    RADIUS isn't what you are after, I use one to filter MAC addresses but there is no prompt to enter credentials passed back through the Airport.You are either on or off based on the packet info passed up to the RADIUS. I have a solution from Nortel that uses a secure switch that offers this...
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    OS X telnet & cisco telnet

    I telnet to Nortel gear on a daily basis from 10.4, it must be a handshake issue on the cisco
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    SMTP problems at home BUT NOT

    Sorry, too many variables still. Exchange is a strange animal for POP mail. I'd download all of the mail and have the SysAdmin reset the mail account.
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    Windows 2003 Server - Getting Mac to share

    You can get several VPN clients for the Mac, I suspect you are using Windows VPN such as PPTP and 10.4 provides a client compatable with it, if not look at IP Insecuritas free VPN client. On the other question, if the Mac is in the same Workgroup as the PC using Directory Access, you can...
  14. S

    authenticating NT domain users, help!

    Lets assume 2 things, you already have an Active Directory running on PC hardware,You have bound the server to AD using Directory Access. You can set Open Directory to be 'Connected to a Directory System". You will also probably need to disable Kerbros on the server because 2 instances running...