If you were older, you would have been stationed prior to, say, the early 1970's when Japan drove on the correct side of the road as punishment for picking a fight with a nuculer [Stop that!--Ed.] superpower . . . and raping Nanking, Korea, Bataan, Astro-Boy, et cetera.
This continued into the 70's on Okinawa. Japan is actually more of an Anglophile than Your Aunt who is watching the "Royal Wedding" and tries to imitate Madonna's unreceived accent. The court dress, the use of business cards, and driving on the wrong side of the road all came from imitating the American Colonies.
The Home Islands reverted as soon as USA!USA!USA! retreated to their bases and local brothels. Okinawa was a "last hold-over." It still has streets and signs designed for driving on the correct side of the road. Nevertheless, being under Japan Proper's thumb, Okinawa switched in the grand Japanese "Prevent US from Raping and Pillaging China, Korea . . . er . . . Establishing Our Greater Asia Cooperation Sphere?! 馬鹿!" gesture.
This, of course, caused a generation of Okinawans who learned to drive correctly to suddenly have to drive incorrectly. Meanwhile, on the 97% of Okinawa that is Freedom's Base [Citation needed.--Ed.], you have to drive correctly. So Okinawans privileged to work In Freedom have to be able to adapt to both.
Meanwhile, every so often one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children escapes from Kadena in his car. . . .