mach-o mach-o man
This may seem obvious to some people, but I imagine to others it is not.
Linksys only provides a method of updating router firmware for windows clients. Using the built-in unix command tftp, it is simple to update router firmware from any unix system, including Mac OS X.
1) Download new router firmware to your macintosh. See for this. When you are in the Support area, click 'Downloads', select your model (its written under the router usually), and navigate to the windows firmware .zip download.
The windows download expands into a tftp client (tftp.exe), a few readme files, and a firmware update - code.bin.
code.bin is all we need here. This is compiled code for whatever platform the linksys is built on. You can check it out using the strings command in the terminal.
2) Unzip the file using either the unix unzip command, or Stuffit Expander. Safari will automatically unzip the file with Stuffit Expander.
3) Open up the Terminal, and navigate to the location where code.bin is.
An easy way to do this, is to navigate to this file in the finder, switch to the terminal and type "cd " (no quotes, and make sure you place a space after the 'cd' part), and now, just drag the folder onto the terminal window. Then, in the terminal, press enter.
Presto, you're in the folder.
4) Before we can go any farther, here's a little information about tftp:
tftp, the Trivial File Transfer Protocol is typically used with automated downloads, such as those required by diskless devices which require files off servers when they boot up.
tftp is designed not to require passwords, and it does not allow for the contents of a directory to be viewed. In other words, you have to know the file you want.
Linksys has changed things a bit on us here. I don't know how, but they have added a password requirement to tftp.
Here is how you get around this:
5) Open up a browser window to your router's home page. This is usually Log in (default password is 'admin', and the username may be anything), and press "Password" on the first page.
Delete all the characters in the Password: fields. Press "Apply".
Don't worry, we'll change it back to something when we finish. As a precaution, you can disable remote admin ahead of time (mine is disabled all the time).
6) Back in the terminal, we are going to use the tftp command to place code.bin on the router. Here is how I did this - rather than telling you step by step how, just follow my example (I'm doing it right now, so this should be fairly accurate).
Pretty simple, isn't it?
if tftp bitches about your password being wrong, make sure you pressed 'apply' on the linksys setup page, and make sure you entered binary transfer mode (the 'bin' command).
7) Put your password back to something creative at
For extra credit, check and see if your firmware really did get upgraded - look at the setup page and see what the Firmware Version:__reads.
PS: Does anyone know how to pass a password with the unix tftp program?
Linksys only provides a method of updating router firmware for windows clients. Using the built-in unix command tftp, it is simple to update router firmware from any unix system, including Mac OS X.
1) Download new router firmware to your macintosh. See for this. When you are in the Support area, click 'Downloads', select your model (its written under the router usually), and navigate to the windows firmware .zip download.
The windows download expands into a tftp client (tftp.exe), a few readme files, and a firmware update - code.bin.
code.bin is all we need here. This is compiled code for whatever platform the linksys is built on. You can check it out using the strings command in the terminal.
2) Unzip the file using either the unix unzip command, or Stuffit Expander. Safari will automatically unzip the file with Stuffit Expander.
3) Open up the Terminal, and navigate to the location where code.bin is.
An easy way to do this, is to navigate to this file in the finder, switch to the terminal and type "cd " (no quotes, and make sure you place a space after the 'cd' part), and now, just drag the folder onto the terminal window. Then, in the terminal, press enter.
Presto, you're in the folder.
4) Before we can go any farther, here's a little information about tftp:
tftp, the Trivial File Transfer Protocol is typically used with automated downloads, such as those required by diskless devices which require files off servers when they boot up.
tftp is designed not to require passwords, and it does not allow for the contents of a directory to be viewed. In other words, you have to know the file you want.
Linksys has changed things a bit on us here. I don't know how, but they have added a password requirement to tftp.
Here is how you get around this:
5) Open up a browser window to your router's home page. This is usually Log in (default password is 'admin', and the username may be anything), and press "Password" on the first page.
Delete all the characters in the Password: fields. Press "Apply".
Don't worry, we'll change it back to something when we finish. As a precaution, you can disable remote admin ahead of time (mine is disabled all the time).
6) Back in the terminal, we are going to use the tftp command to place code.bin on the router. Here is how I did this - rather than telling you step by step how, just follow my example (I'm doing it right now, so this should be fairly accurate).
$ /usr/bin/tftp
tftp> connect
tftp> bin
tftp> verbose
Verbose mode on.
tftp> put code.bin
putting code.bin to [octet]
Sent 232124 bytes in 24.4 seconds [76106 bits/sec]
tftp> quit
Pretty simple, isn't it?
if tftp bitches about your password being wrong, make sure you pressed 'apply' on the linksys setup page, and make sure you entered binary transfer mode (the 'bin' command).
7) Put your password back to something creative at
For extra credit, check and see if your firmware really did get upgraded - look at the setup page and see what the Firmware Version:__reads.
PS: Does anyone know how to pass a password with the unix tftp program?