Recent content by alexob

  1. A

    Battery capacity dangereoulsy low

    Thanks for the answer :) Although I was afraid you were going to say that :P I unfortunately don't have the applecare service plan. So I guess I'll check for a replacement. But it confirm my suspicion, at 230-240 load cycle, a batery would not have lost that much of it's original capacity...
  2. A

    Battery capacity dangereoulsy low

    Hey there, I've had my Macbook Pro for around 1 year and a half now (17 month). My battery load cycle according to the system manager says around 230 and it's capacity has been reduced to 16%. When I calibrate the battery (let it discharge, let it sleep for 5 hours and reload, full charge for...
  3. A

    Can't boot Bootcamp partititon anymore.

    Christmas just came and my gf bought me Left 4 dead, So I decided I needed more space on my botcamp partititon. I used camptune, from paragon software (already used that one and it worked like a charm) but this time it seems it was not so eager to help me. It actually scrapped my bootcamp boot...
  4. A

    International Bug in iTunes and Mac OS X

    Well I'll be damned :D I found the problem, and yes it was a wrong instance of Lucida Grande I don't know where that came from, but it seem that the default font for lucida grande had a few undesirable instances. I removed the extra in fontbook (Which were Lucida Bold and another one) And voilà...
  5. A

    International Bug in iTunes and Mac OS X

    Yes I did run OnyX cleanup utillities for the font with all options checked. Generaly I do install for all, but it's possible it's specific for that user. Is it possible that the main font for iTunes and certain instances f Mac OS application would pick the wrong default font? (I think most...
  6. A

    International Bug in iTunes and Mac OS X

    Thanks for the prompt answer folks :) It's good to see a place which know their Macs :) but UNfortunately it gets weird from here. :( Hebrew uh? That's weird, since I haven't installed any language profile under this one... anyway it can't be helped ;P So, I looked around the forum and most...
  7. A

    International Bug in iTunes and Mac OS X

    Howdy there, new to the forum. I'm a MacBook pro owner running on Mac OS X Leopard. Someday, I tried to install japanese character set to be recognized by the system since I go every once in a while on japanese websites. However something wrong happened on my system, because iTunes has...