Battery capacity dangereoulsy low


Hey there,

I've had my Macbook Pro for around 1 year and a half now (17 month). My battery load cycle according to the system manager says around 230 and it's capacity has been reduced to 16%. When I calibrate the battery (let it discharge, let it sleep for 5 hours and reload, full charge for at least 2 hours) it goes a bit higher closer to 30% capacity. However it stays like this for only a few and most of the time, after the battery have been discharged completely, the capacity changes again closer to 16%. As time passes and as I use my mac, it is going rapidly lower and lower.

According to coconut battery 2.5.1, the original capacity of the battery was 5500 mAh. My curerent capacity is now of 1644 mAh. That's close to 1 hour maximum.

Is this normal?

Also, coconut battery seems to think that my loadcycle of the battery is only of 7 times. (Which is obiviously wrong)
Well sometimes batteries go bad and you just got bit. If you still have appleCare call them. If not you have to go online and search for a replacement.
Thanks for the answer :) Although I was afraid you were going to say that :P
I unfortunately don't have the applecare service plan. So I guess I'll check for a replacement.

But it confirm my suspicion, at 230-240 load cycle, a batery would not have lost that much of it's original capacity right? I figured it'd be around at least 60% capacity instead of 15-30%
Apple replaced certain MacBook and MacBook Pro batteries out-of-warranty for free if they fell within a specific serial number range. I believe the program has been discontinued now, but it's worth a shot mentioning it to someone at an Apple Store to see if they can possibly help you out, even though the program is no longer running.

Here's a bit of information on the replacement program, and with a tad bit of easy Googling, there is much more information to be had:

Words of wisdom and suggestions for when you take your computer to the store:

1) Bring documentation -- printouts of web articles, Apple knowledge base articles, etc. -- anything to back up your claims. Don't expect the employees to know about every, single knowledge base article or repair program that Apple runs. Prove your case to them.
2) Be polite, but persistent. Anger, snide comments, attitude, raising voice, being uncooperative or not understanding -- these will get you a very quick "no" and you can accomplish the same thing by just not going to the store.
3) Ask your way up the ladder. If the salesperson can't help you, ask to speak to a manager. If the manager can't help you, ask to speak to their manager. Ask politely. Every level of employee has certain powers and certain things that their hands are tied with. Sometimes you get a "no" because they are not authorized at that level to do so.
4) There are some bad employees out there, as you may well know. If an employee is rude or snide to you, being rude or snide back to them only makes you just as much of an ass as they are -- don't sink to their level, keep your cool, and be the better person. Jump through the hoops they ask you to.

With a little persistence and luck, you can probably get your battery replaced for free -- it does sound like a very low load count to be failing already.