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  • Hello,
    Nice to meet you, how is everything, hope all is well with you. My name is Madam Avelin Regato, I found your contact after reading your profile I picked interest to contact you. I've something very important which I would love to share with you privately, therefore, would advise you to kindly write me back on: (avelin_regato7@yahoo.com) so that I'll give you details. Waiting anxiously for your anticipated corporation,
    Madam Avelin
    Email me on: avelin_regato7@yahoo.com
    How to join two partition

    I would like to know how to join two partition. I have MAC OS X has two partition.

    Macintosh HD (43.0 GB) and Untitled (31.2 GB)

    I would like to convert into one full partion only. Any step by step help will be higly appreciated.

    Thank you
    Hey Jeff. You provided some very helpful info to a user here who was having problems launching Safari. I've had my MacBook now for about 2 years and never had a problem. All of a sudden, yesterday my Safari closed out and I wasn't able to relaunch it after; kept shutting down before even opening or would give me the "unexpected error" message. I read here that you suggested a user create a new user account and see if Safari launches. And if so, then the problem is probably a "Preference" or enhancement file of some sort. I used AppCleaner to completely uninstall Safari and then reinstalled Safari, and that didn't work. But when I took your advice and created the new account, Safari launched. So hmmmm, any assistance you can offering in finding those preference or enhancement files you stated would be so helpful! This is soo frustrating!
    I mean gotten as far in the Training. I tried to pick up the lamp, given it's heavy, to use as a weapon, but no luck. There are still no objects other than the nanokey in my belt. JG
    Hi Diablo -- a switch on your numbers, I was born in '32 and am 76 yrs old.

    Thanks for reminding me of the game manual. To make up for not having a mouse or backspace, I have selected buttons for these where needed.

    I've gotten as far as the three boxes, two of which could be opened with an object for smashing, cutting or whatever. But the only object I have is the nanokey I picked up--all of the other boxes are empty, so there's nothing I can grab to use. I haven't found out how to equip myself, get stuff into my inventory. After writing this to you, I'll go back to the Inventory again to see if objects are shown somewhere to be dragged into the slots--but have not seen this the first several times looking at it.



    I answered the question you asked me about dragging iTunes to my MP3. I hope you can answer it. It's in the forum. Thanks. Rita
    Diabloccc , Me gusta tu respuesta : muy clara y que tambien ole bien a logica ( I do like your answer: very clear ,& has a good logical smell ). Ese tipo de afirmaciones nosotros los cambiantes las necesitamos , gracias ( We switchers do need such settlements , thanks a lot ; firmado : vanostade , un anciano , nuevo en Mac ( an old man , young in Mac )
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