Recent content by ali

  1. A

    iDisk, the horror and the pain...

    Actually you can speed up your iDisk - Mount it and use the Terminal to navigate it (Its in your Volumes...;) ). I found that the speed then is quite acceptable even compared to ftp transfers. ali
  2. A

    How-to: Compile Perl 5.6.1

    You can skip over setting the environment variables by using: perl -i.bak -p -e 's|Local/Library|Library|g' hints/ echo d_setlocale = undef >>hints/ Just replace undef with a locale you want to use or leave it, if you don't want to use locales.
  3. A

    Can't install Xfree86 from CD-ROM

    Your X Windows problem is quite common, different solutions to that problems are ducumented at The package you used was made via the fink system (they ripped it of them I think :mad: ) so their documentation is quite valuable. For your bash...