Well I removed the roller today.
The thing is so weak that a credit card can cut through the rubber!
I will look aound and see if I can pull a roller of other tape drives I own.
Thanks for the help.
oh, cool. Stranage they still allow system 6 to be downloaded.
I probably won't get the drive apart soon (or until the weekend) So hold on.
oh, and I need the link to apple's old software page and a program that can open .img files (not .image). I got PLI Infinity 88 drive and the software...
Recently I completed rebuilding my old macintosh se which was in need of some work. Now that I have it running system 7.0 (would go earlier but can't find the disks) I decided to pull some files off tapes I have. I set up the drive which was bought on ebay and inserted a tape. It made noises...
I own the apple japanese language kit and am running it on 7.1
It is a 14-disk set and all the disks are 1.44 mb
I have several disks that the computer can't read or copy (I can however see in the disks) and disk fist aid says that the disks are fine.
The disks are "font 5" and "font 10" or...
I don't have that many floppies!
However, i have managed to secure a scsi adapter that fits the minidock and the pb 520, i however don't have an apple drive. What should i do now?
Those are the files i downloaded that have 7.5.3.
I don't understand though how you install it on a computer that won't boot.
However i am wondering about the System 7.5 Network Access floppy disk.
Where can i get it?
Does it support localtalk? (serial-to-serial)
Oh, and do you think it...
well you see when i got the duo and the 520 i did not get the disks.
I do have 7.5.3 but it is one large setup file. (all the disks in one executable program)
Where can i get it in disk format for either 1.44 meg or 800k?
I own two powerbooks:
-a powerbook 520
-a powerbook duo 230
A few months ago i found a japanese language kit that was made by apple. It was the complete set of 15 disks and were not damaged. I first proceeded to install it on the 520 but when the setup failed i got confused. I then shut...
I don't see what that will do.
This the origional 20 mb SC Hard drive that came with the system when it was bought and this is the only hard drive i got for the SE.
Anyways, that didn't work.
Well it took me weeks to find an active mac forum but now i found one i will be posting a lot of things involving my collection of macs.
Let me start with a recent problem.
Last week i booted up my Macintosh SE which was in storage for a year and found out that the hard drive was acting...