Recent content by boson

  1. B

    mount Shares according to location

    I am having a similar but opposite problem. I just setup a redhat9 home server for print server, storage and backup like you. I'm sharing drives on the redhat (server) end tho and had to modify the fstab file to get the ntfs drives to mount. i'm sharing them now thru SAMBA and can see them...
  2. B

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    Thanks for the ideas, I'll check out everyone's suggestions. I think eventually I'll break down and get DWMX04 for the asp dev wizards. In the mean while I'll give these a go. Thanks again! Mark
  3. B

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    Can anyone recommend a good web (html, asp, jscipt...) editor for mac? I have been using Dreamweaver ($$!) but have been looking for freeware with a graphic interface. Anyone run across one? thanks mark