Recent content by caspitas

  1. C

    Problems installing Tiger

    last report: i asked a friend for his powerbook... 1- i connected mine to his with a firewire cable (pressing the T key while booting mine)... 2- i installed tiger from his notebook to my HD... 3- after the succesfull installation, his comp restarted and booted from my HD... 4- i quit...
  2. C

    Problems installing Tiger

    ok, now i cant even install panther... it gaves me an "invalid header" error while copying some files... and it says something like "nsgenericexception error" off course at this point, i already tryed to "erase & install", but it doesnt work. now im pretty much worried with this situation. im...
  3. C

    Problems installing Tiger

    i just tryed installing it 2 more times... and this is the error i get (both times) on the install log: "BomFatalError - cpio read error: Bad File Format" does this mean anything to you ? thnx for the help
  4. C

    Problems installing Tiger

    Hey Barhar, i used the "Archive and Install" option... just because i dont know where r the preferences that i have to backup on my powerbook (i dont know much about macs as u may see)... can u plz tell me wich folders should i backup ? (i have 2 partitions in the disk, so i´ll backup to the...
  5. C

    Problems installing Tiger

    Hi all, i´ve been using os 10.3.9 for some months on my powerbook g4... (i bought it 3 motnhs before tiger was unleashed)... So finally i was able to buy tiger... so, im installing it... it first checks the installation disc, then it starts with installation, installs the first part ok...