Time Machine is not my ideal back-up solution, but I do want to use it for Mail. In TM prefs I have Excluded everything except
No luck, all that happens when I click TM is that Mail's menubar disappears.
Can you tell me what...
Time Machine is not my ideal back-up solution, but I do want to use it for Mail. In TM prefs I have Excluded everything except
No luck, all that happens when I click TM is that Mail's menubar disappears.
Can you tell me what...
Time Machine is not my ideal back-up solution, but I do want to use it for Mail. In TM prefs I have Excluded everything except
No luck, all that happens when I click TM is that Mail's menubar disappears.
Can you tell me what...
Time Machine is not my ideal back-up solution, but I do want to use it for Mail. In TM prefs I have Excluded everything except
No luck, all that happens when I click TM is that Mail's menubar disappears.
Can you tell me what...
A brand new macbook is using half a minute or more to connect to just about any webpage, using Safari 2 or 3beta over a wireless network. When connected, the page loads quickly.
Firefox does not suffer from this.
It affects all users on that machine.
It doesn't affect other macs in the...
thanks for replies, it's all gone now. I simply moved everything I didn't want to the trash.
Its not room for much in my internal ibook drive:)
Thanks again:)
Is it safe to delete everything (included all hidden files) that is not in that one folder i want to keep, or will that break the firewire harddisk? What files do I keep?
Hi everybody, my first post to the forum:)
This is the question:
Is it possible to have my 10.4.5 automatically run a script or automator action when I connect my firewire disk?
This is why i want this:
I have a script, iTunes Library Manager, that lets me have a library on each disk. I...
My speach function is not working. It did once many years ago, but it stopped working and has not worked since. the speach recognition window is not appearing. when I enable speach in, the activity monitor shows a process called crashdump (root) and for a second or two it has the highest use...
My iBook G4 is quite often pretending to eject cd from the slotdrive when there is no disk in it. Often, if not allways in connection with me moving it (Lifting turning or laying down onto table). It's not any rough movements. The eject symbol is not showing when it automatically ejects. It...