Recent content by hmurchison

  1. hmurchison

    .Mac disk storage increased to 250MB

    ROFLMAO ...too late for what??? Is the world ending in 30 days? Folks there are no time limits. Computer geeks are the new millenium carpetbaggers running from service to service. Everyone's needs are different and it's never too late to improve anything related to computers.
  2. hmurchison

    .Mac disk storage increased to 250MB

    I think .mac is still a worthy tool. Those that love to compare it to gmail or the other services seem to conveniently leave out other .mac features like bookmark syncing and the integration with iapps. I still expect Apple to improve the features and offerings but a "true" comparison is going...
  3. hmurchison

    Apple's latest Trademark filings

    I don't think Apple uses even half these trademarks. Generally they will tradmark a name and it's in use in less than 5 months(see Keynote and Garageband tradmarks) . I do believe ProBand is going to the be the first and maybe only trademark from this list used. I do not believe it is going...
  4. hmurchison

    Appleworks 7 coming?

    Think about the differences in a browser rendering engine versus a word processor. The rendering engine in a browser is far more complex. Look at how long it took Omnigroup to ship Omniweb 5 after moving to webcore. Apple looked at the prospects of building their own renderer, using Mozilla or...
  5. hmurchison

    Motion now shipping Motion review This is a really cool app. It's hard to believe Discreet let the guys that created this app go. Well we're the lucky ones.
  6. hmurchison

    Appleworks 7 coming?

    Who says it has anything to do with dethroning Office. Keynote wasn't made to dethrone Powerpoint. There are thousands of people that just aren't feeling MS Office on a usability and aesthetic level. Why must we have our choices limited for the sake of appeasing Redmond? Apple needs to get...
  7. hmurchison

    Appleworks 7 coming?

    If Appleworks 7 is coming I'm not sure if it would be Cocoa but it would make sense. Cocoa has come a long ways in the last few years and pretty much dominates all these cool apps coming out today. Just supposing that Appleworks 7 had a Tiger version here are some things I can imagine seeing...
  8. hmurchison

    Appleworks 7 coming?

    Par for the course "Filemaker X" Calling something...
  9. hmurchison

    Appleworks 7 coming?

    Ok it's time not to be jaded about this. Everthing points to this being totally legit. Appleworks finally looks to be getting an update. A new book is coming right now appended with an "X" placeholder. Finally we find out that AW isn't dead. Perhaps this app is announced at Apple Paris but if...
  10. hmurchison

    Tiger & .Mac Sync

    Palm would have to utilize the .Mac sync SDK. Now that it's systemwide there are potential changes that would have to be made IMO.
  11. hmurchison

    Yeah, but what about the 5G iPods?

    When considering video features we have to realize that Audio processing is a piece of cake compared to even the simplest of video takes much more horsepower. We're going to need another generation of iPod processing power increase before video can be tackled.
  12. hmurchison

    New iPods in August ... apparently

    Sleeker is good. No one gets really excited about large portable devices. There are bound to be internal improvements as well. Looking forward to it.
  13. hmurchison

    Why won't Apple let me buy a Mac without a Keyboard???

    LOL this thread is a riot. 7 years ago when you purchased a Mac it didn't come with a keyboard and people said "Why do I have to pay extra for a keyboard?" eventually the whole industry started bundling keyboards with their computers leading to the inevitable "I'm hot happy with the keyboard...
  14. hmurchison

    Apple also stole Launchbar.

    Konfabulator is kinda cool but it's still a solution in search of a problem. Dashboards are fairly simplistic in use. I guess if they kill Konfab them it's more of a reality that Konfab is a toy. Launchbar is cool but indexing has been around in search for a long time. I doubt their...
  15. hmurchison

    What's left for WWDC?

    All OS are zippier after installing a fresh copy. Get's rid of the cruft that builds over time.