Recent content by jonasbay

  1. J

    The new iMacs thread (merged)

    Yep, all other european stores are down, also. Like last tuesday. Normally this is a new update. :D
  2. J

    How do I use strings in OS X?

    You're mixing a little bit C and C++. You're including stdio.h which is the "standard"-C header, but your using cin and cout, which are C++-commands. I've hopefully two solutions. 1) Try to include only iostream (take the .h away). 2) use printf and scanf (C-commands).
  3. J

    Off-topic: German-American relations

    I don't think that she did this. A journalist just didn't quote her right. And although I'm not a German I'm really pleased with the outcome of the elections. Schröder/Fischer will do more for peace than Stoiber could do.
  4. J

    Project Builder....

    Yep, I thought it sounded a little bit ironical. ;)
  5. J

    Project Builder....

    is this a joke or serious ?
  6. J

    Project Builder....

    There could also be a problem with the compatibility, because iostream is a C++-headerfile and stdio.h is a C-headerfile. I remeber having such problems with VisualC++, don't know how it is with ProjectBuilder.
  7. J

    Newbie Help

    If you're really new I'd suggest to start with RealBasic. ( There is also a book around (Don't know the name), and the web is plenty of resources for this Programming-language. It's probably easier to create apps with RealBasic than with Cocoa, but if you really want...
  8. J

    eMac to be released today as a consumer machine.

    All Apple-stores around the world are now closed. There will be something today.
  9. J

    Favorite Movies

    I just love Monty Python. Life of Brian and Holy Grail are just great.
  10. J

    What Mac related news sites to you go to?

    I use (German ;) ) and during an event (Macworld) I use maccentral. And for games I usw Insidemacgames and Macgamer.