Off-topic: German-American relations

Chris Belwinds

You might have read about recent disagreements between the German and the American government. For me as a German citizen it is unexplicible how the current German federal government puts the special relationship between our two great countries at risk.
I wish to express my deep sympathy with your people and all that you have suffered in the aftermath of 9-11. And believe me, a majority of Germans is with you all the way.
I hope and pray that this German government will not continue to do harm to the German-American relations and if possible will be elected out of office as soon as possible.
God bless America (and Germany as well!).
I am an American citizen. In college I was a German major and had the opportunity to travel to Germany many times. I love Germany and its people. However I have been very upset over the recent events between our two countries. I sincerely hope Schröder and his cronies are ousted from office for their dessertion of America. America has been Germany's long time ally and friend since the end of WWII. And now we have been thrown away with the garbage. Many Americans are shocked and upset. I sincerely hope the Geman people send Herr Schröder a sounding kick in the a$$.

Viel Glück!
Hi dixonbm,

I fully agree with your statements. The relationship between Americans and Germans shouln't be dissorted (hope this is the correct word) by such a few persons.

And every german citizen should remember that the americans helped us more than a lot after WWII. So hopefully the election today will change our govenment. And secondly I hope that the americans don't think that the statements of those few persons represent the general german relationship between America and Germany.

Best regards and god bless America.

(Hope there are not too many error in my text)
I sat in front of the tv until late at night...and what should I say?


Another four years with Schröder!

I am more than pissed!

At least, Deubler-Gmelin, the one responsible for the Hitler-comparision, was "released of her duties" today.

I can only say sorry for everything the german politics have done in the past few weeks and months, it is a shame to treat America like that and in no way can I understand or support it.
This sunday, Germany voted a new "Bundeskanzler".

Since Schröder - our present Bundesklanzler - wanted to get the votes from the piece-loving side of Germany who else would have voted for the PDS, he said that even when the UN agrees with the USA to attack Sadam Husein, Germany would NOT help the UN and the USA.

This was the first thing that pissed me off.

The second thing was that he not even talked to Bush about this. He not even called him. He just said "we won't help the USA in Irak, under no circumstances".

The second thing is, that Ms. Deubler-Gmeling compared Bush to Hitler.

This is why a US politican already said that if Schröder remains Bundeskanzler (he remains, btw), the US should think about withdrawing any forces from Germany.

This is no way of acting towards an ally!!!

I am more than pissed, and it is sad that Schröder made it again.

Not only has he managed to make Germany a wreck of a country (we will be the first to receive a "blue letter" from the UN), but also he crippled the friendly relationship to the US.
I don't want to start a flamewar, but here's my opinion:

- Fighting terror doesn't work when you try to bomb them. Trouble with bombing is that you allways hurt the wrong people. I'm not saying you should never bomb, but think who you bomb.

- Helping people out of their misery helps taking away support for terror. If people see the USA is no evil empire as they were allways told by their leaders, but that the USA is a friendly bunch of people trying to help them with food, shelter, education en democracy, they will slowly learn that the USA is helping them instead of fighting them.

- Bush doesn't want Saddam Hussein for him being non-democratic. Bush supports many regimes which are far from democratic and torturing their people too (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan).

- Bush and/or Blair say they have "evidence" that proves Hussein capable of launching biological and/or nuclear missiles now or in the near future. What the evidence involves, and how this knowledge is gathered is unknown to the public. How are we supposed to judge Bush' and Blair's decision? What if they just tell us this because they want to atack Iraq for other reasons? See next point.

- OIL. It's all about OIL. Why do you think the USA wanted to "liberate" Kuwait? Because of the poor people suffering? Because the USA wants to fight for democracy? NO WAY. It's about OIL and POWER. If the USA wants to "liberate" all people under oppression, they have to attack DOZENS of countries, like China (for occupying Tibet), Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, North-Korea, etcetera. But these countries have or no oil, or they cooperate with the USA right now, or there is no valid excuse to use (you cannot tell the world you want to invade Iran because they are just nasty people and you want their OIL).

- I think it is a shame that journalism in the USA (and in Europe partially too) are eating all the sh*t coming out of the White House. After 9-11 criticism is even less. Just nobody dares too question the current administration on their motives. I find that non-democratic. In a healthy democracy the people should question their administration on EVERY step they take about the motives behind the step. They should ask for concrete ANSWERS, not for the propaganda they're getting right now.

- Schroder is a left-wing politician. Since I'm a left-wing person myself, if I would live in Germany, I probably would have voted for him (or the Green Party of Joska Fischer). I can imagine not everybody in Germany being happy with him, because he didn't solve the unemployment problem. But on the other side, can anyone in the current economical situation??? And I just think that this Stoiber (or how do you spell it :)) is too much right-wing, and I just don't like that ;).

P.S. NO FLAME intended. So please react on this with arguments, not with flame ;)
P.P.S. Above doesn't mean I do not support the USA in their fight against terror. I just think they're doing the wrong thing to fight it.
I never thought Zaphod Beeblebrox could actually say something which makes sense...which one of your heads was responsible for that? ;)
Originally posted by ulrik

The second thing is, that Ms. Deubler-Gmeling compared Bush to Hitler.

I don't think that she did this. A journalist just didn't quote her right.

And although I'm not a German I'm really pleased with the outcome of the elections. Schröder/Fischer will do more for peace than Stoiber could do.
Originally posted by jonasbay
I don't think that she did this. A journalist just didn't quote her right.

And although I'm not a German I'm really pleased with the outcome of the elections. Schröder/Fischer will do more for peace than Stoiber could do.

No, she did say it. The journalist called her to confirm the quote. Others overheard it as well.