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    Paris Expo

    I worked at Primetec during high school, and every Friday (well not every but almost) we would hook up their big ass projector and have a movie or game night. Imagine being able to watch a movie or play games in an IMAX theatre…. :)

    iPod market share in Europe?

    Eh, sorry? You don’t thing highly of Europeans, do you? All of my friends knows what an ipod is, both pc and Mac. And off course we know it's made by apple.. Your right about one thing though. I have never seen any form of advertising for apple in Europe..

    Powerbook updates?

    Ok. I got the money and I’m ready to buy my new laptop this Friday. So, should I wait and se what happens or should I get a PB12” now?

    my theory on mondays g5 release

    me love g5-PB long time.. :)

    To buy a powerbook or not to buy a powerbook, that’s the question.

    ok, thanks guys.. :) Btw, if you were to compare a g4 with an ordinary Intel or AMD processor (for a pc), witch would you choose? What I’m trying to say is how big of a punch do the PB12” pack??

    To buy a powerbook or not to buy a powerbook, that’s the question.

    ok.. The thing is that I need a small (and I really mean small!) laptop to take with me. And I can’t find any other Mac’s for this purpose. There is of course the ibook to, but what I can understand the PB12” is far better than IB12”.. I’m not the best guy at computers either so if you don’t...

    To buy a powerbook or not to buy a powerbook, that’s the question.

    Hi. I’m thinking of buying a 12” powerbook and I was just wondering what others think of it? My half brother bought a 12” ibook for some time ago, and it seems to run fine. I’m just a bit worried about how well it handles movies and programs like photoshop.. The main thing I will use it for is...