Recent content by pNeuMatic

  1. P

    boot in Win NT mode

    because... runs on Linux! :D
  2. P

    Disabling animated effects in OS X

    Big deal. You don't have to stop and watch it ya know! Minimize something and go about your work. I bet you $10 you can't get to something else and start working before the window has minimized anyway. Well, that is unless you are running on a Color Classic. ;)
  3. P

    Start up disk control panel crash

    1.) I think it works better if you have the OS X cd in... 2.) if you have Linux installed and a bootstrap for booting into Yaboot this will happen. I did. It wasn't pretty. Getting rid of Linux on the drive cured it. Read my post about having Linux
  4. P

    Why is MacOs X PB so slow

    OS X on my G3 B&W overclocked to 500 with 512MB of RAM is super speedy. Well as speedy as I expected it to be anyways. :D Just remember Quartz will *never* be as quick as Quickdraw on your current iron. Quickdraw isn't rasterizing PDF data and applying multiple layers of transparency. That...
  5. P

    Read this if you have Linux...

    OS X doesn't seem to get along well with Linux installs. At least it didn't for me. I had my drive partitioned for OS 9/X, a single 500MB HFS partition to use as a Linux exchange, a 40MB bootstrap, and the rest to Linux/LinuxVM. OS X had been exhibiting odd behavior. Notably the startup...
  6. P

    I crashed MAC OS X

    You experienced a kernel panic. While *VERY* rare they can happen. Much much less than the blue screen of death anyways :D I suspect it had to do with the firewire drive, firewire is probably still not fully implemented yet. This has nothing to do with protected memory, as it didn't happen...