Recent content by rdisanto

  1. R

    Dead ethernet port?

    Thanks to both Tommy and Bob. I've attempted to connect the Cube directly into the modem without luck. I've also checked and replaced the cables, and no problems there either. Alas... Richard
  2. R

    Dead ethernet port?

    Hi Satcomer, Thanks again, I'm trying not to worry. I've checked for the Ethernet ID, and yes, there is one listed. What could this mean, if there is an Ethernet ID but no connections can apparently be made? I've also done as scruffy suggested and tried to connect the Cube with my second...
  3. R

    Dead ethernet port?

    Thanks for all your comments! I haven't updated the firmware in a few months, but my second computer, which has the same firmware, can connect to the router without a problem. I can also confirm that my System Preference-Internet & Network is set up for Built in Ethernet-Using DHCP. I...
  4. R

    Dead ethernet port?

    Hello all, How can I test my ethernet port to confirm that it is "dead" or "alive"? I have been having problems in making a connection with my Linksys router; my Network panel lists the ethernet status as follows: "The Cable for Built-in Ethernet is not plugged in." I fear the port itself may...
  5. R

    G5 Lost ethernet port/connection!?

    Hi Jake, Have you had any luck in sorting this problem out? I'm now having the very same problem with my G4 Cube, and I'd love to get some ideas. Thanks! Richard
  6. R

    Installer, Safari, & System problems

    Thanks, Cheryl. I'll certainly do this in the future. I'm still curious about the problem, though, and why the status of a fonts folder can have such an impact on system apps. It seems strange, and I haven't been able to find much literature on it, except for other users noting a similar...
  7. R

    Installer, Safari, & System problems

    Hello, A strange thing happened this morning: I am unable to run a number of system applications, including Safari, the Installer and System Update. The apps attempt to open, then nothing; no error message, just an indicator in my dock saying that the app is open, but when I click there...
  8. R

    broken software update?

    the servers are back up... everyone should be able to run their system updates now. later! rds :cool:
  9. R

    broken software update?

    the same thing is happening to me! ever since I restarted after I installed 10.1.4 and the IE update, my software update hasn't been able to log onto the network, where all other apps are working fine. any ideas? rds:confused: