G5 Lost ethernet port/connection!?



My G5 appears to have lost its Ethernet connection...

It has been running fine since I first plugged it in 4 months ago. After 1 restart I got no Network, and upon checking the Network Preferences I get the message:

"The Cable for Built-in Ethernet is not plugged in."

Nothing has changed. I have even tried different cables and different ports. Plugged another machine into the same location and ot worked fine.

Can the port/internal card really just die like that?

Can anyone help please!?

Hi Jake,

Have you had any luck in sorting this problem out? I'm now having the very same problem with my G4 Cube, and I'd love to get some ideas.


syncroand101 said:

My G5 appears to have lost its Ethernet connection...

It has been running fine since I first plugged it in 4 months ago. After 1 restart I got no Network, and upon checking the Network Preferences I get the message:

"The Cable for Built-in Ethernet is not plugged in."

Nothing has changed. I have even tried different cables and different ports. Plugged another machine into the same location and ot worked fine.

Can the port/internal card really just die like that?

Can anyone help please!?


Yeah I left the machine off in anger, came in the next day turned it on and it worked fine! I know that is not much help!
