Recent content by spoolin spec v

  1. S

    OSX server shuts down after start up

    Hello, I have OSX server OS and Everytime I start it up, It will just go to a black screen after 5-10min of working perfectly fine. My comp. has worked perfectly, Then I installed some updates, Itunes i think? And the comp. Shuts down, and when it restarts it works for 5-10 min, perfectly...
  2. S

    Comp. Shuts down, right after start up

    i am at hte point where it says localhost:/ root# then its waiting for me to put in a command. any ideas?
  3. S

    Comp. Shuts down, right after start up

    jasonOSX Launched: org.jabber.jabberd :respawing too quickly! throttling 4 more failers without living at least 60 secs will cause job removal Fans are getting loud....VERY loud.
  4. S

    Comp. Shuts down, right after start up

    it sayd, if you wish to boot the system, but stay in single user mode: sh / etc/rc localhost:/ root# then thats it.
  5. S

    Comp. Shuts down, right after start up

    I tried, and Nothing came up when I held down ? and the S keys.
  6. S

    Comp. Shuts down, right after start up

    If you tell me how, I can try it. then post up what it says. Thanks!
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    Comp. Shuts down, right after start up

    My comp. has worked perfectly, Then I installed some updates, Itunes i think? And the comp. Shut down, and when it restarts it works for a min or two, then freezes, and i get the beach ball, that just spins around and around forever. if I don't try to open anything, or do anything when i...
  8. S

    Prob with FCP and OS X server...reinstall?

    So FCP works, everything works but compressor, which, is what i really need. It will open, then just shut down. I didnt have the prob with reg. 10.4.xx OS X, but only when i installed OS X server. i dont know if they are related or not... I re installed FCP, i didnt know how to fully...
  9. S

    ati 9000 pro and 2nd disply....

    Thank you! -Kurt
  10. S

    ati 9000 pro and 2nd disply....

    Would that work then?
  11. S

    ati 9000 pro and 2nd disply....

    i recently bought a dualg g5. And the info about the video card is this: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro: Chipset Model: ATY,R350 Type: Display Bus: AGP Slot: SLOT-1 VRAM (Total): 256 MB Vendor: ATI (0x1002) Device ID: 0x4e48 Revision ID: 0x0000 ROM Revision...
  12. S

    Max OSX server To Regular OSX...

    i have mac OSX server on my Dual g5 right now, It works perfect and everything, BUT when i am running final cut pro, and i go to export, compressor (the program) will open, then shut down and freeze FCP. i have never tried to run it on osx server, so i uninstalled it with the all the FCP...
  13. S

    Wall mounts for cinima display?

    Your link dosnt work :(
  14. S

    Wall mounts for cinima display?

    I would like to be able to mount my cinima displays on my wall in my new house...I am not so sure on ways to do it. Does someone make an adaptor or something? or has someone done this before? and how did you do it if so? Thanks