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    Changing permissions on folders while logged in as someone else.

    From what I can tell, I can only select from root-level directories, not sub-directories or individual files. It also doesn't look like I can move the files from one drive onto another differently-structure drive (ie it mirrors...not moves/copies files). I have the admin account and...
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    Changing permissions on folders while logged in as someone else.

    Well, I checked out CCC. That's not going to work. It looks like a great disk mirroring utility, but I jsut want to move some various folders on different drives around to other drives and be able to re-assign permissions. Frustating that something so easy in OS9 is now so complex. Ugh.
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    Changing permissions on folders while logged in as someone else.

    So...there's no default way to do this in OSX? This seems like a major omission to the OS, doesn't it? Off to check out CCC...
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    Changing permissions on folders while logged in as someone else.

    So, I have a new HD I added and have partitioned it and have installed OSX 10.2 on to it. Now I need to move files from the old install of OSX on the other HD. Of course, all of the folders/files are locked since I am not logged into that install. How do I move those files? Is there a command...
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    Are Netgear MR314 wireless routers crap?

    gsahli: Is the OSX machine running wirelessly?
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    Are Netgear MR314 wireless routers crap?

    I have one. I think it's crap. I've asked a few others and have been told the same...Netgear and OSX just don't get along. Any other opinions on that? My OSX machine works great via the router if connected via Cat5, but when wireless, randome hiccups occur. Sometimes it can't resolve hosts...
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    Can I get a linksys USB wireless adaper to work with OSX?

    Linksys is the Vendor. Product ID is 8729 ($2219)
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    Pull up a chair

    Right. That's my point. To each their own. You really need to take the time to sit in the chairs yourself. BTW, the aeron chairs do come in different sizes, so if that's the way you go, be sure to get the right size for your frame.
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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    Well, I'm placing the 160gig drive under the DVD burner. A MacTech told me that was fine. I don't think HDs really product that much heat, but I'm no expert, either.
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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    arden...the drive will work fine as-is in my G4. I'm just wondering if using the PCI card will offer any advantages. I might as well plop it in there and give it a shot, I suppose.
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    Pull up a chair

    It doesn't matter what any of us say. The only chair you should get is the one that fits you the best. You really do need to try them out. We used to have aeron chairs in our office. I tried them but could never get them to fit my body right and always had a sore back. Finally switched to...
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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    Pengu: Thanks. Today, I went and got a 160gig WD HD from best buy for $99 (AMIR). Not bad. New question: It came with a Ultra ATA controller PCI card. What should I do with this? Can I install in my G4? The WD site doesn't mention any drivers for this card, so I'm not sure if I should bother.
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    USB 2.0 Burner in USB 1.0 Port

    I'd probably suggest seeing if you can return/exchange it for a FW drive (if it's new) as the price difference would be negligable. Also, FYI, for those that find Toast a bit too much for their needs, I came across this $20 alternative today:
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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    Umm...I don't think we're very good at communicating with each other, arden. ;o) Let me try this again. Here is my interpretation of things: HDs come in different bus speeds. If you want to take advantage of the faster HD Bus speed, you need a machine that has the same Bus speed. If you...
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    Can I get a linksys USB wireless adaper to work with OSX?

    Hmm...well, nothing. It sees the vendor + product ID but nothing else.
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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    Ah, yes, I wasn't clean either. I will be getting a 7200 rpm drive. As for bus speed, my understanding, at least with IDE is that faster is fine, but I just won't see the speed unless my machine can handle it (most G4s can't without a new card). So, it'll work fine, I just won't get the same...
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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    arden: I was under the impression that the drive speed (AIDE specs) didn't really matter unless you actually wanted to use it at the full speed. In otherwords, I've never had to buy a HD based on a specific speed. Am I wrong?
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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    Cheryl: I have 80+ gigs to backup. I really don't want to burn 100+ CDs to backup my system. ;o) A DVD burner would be marginally easier. But still, that requires time on a regular basis. I'd really prefer just having a large drive that I could mirror occasionaly (or better yet, sync) and...
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    Can I get a linksys USB wireless adaper to work with OSX?

    To clarify, this is a USB adapter. It plugs into the USB port. System profiler sees it, but the network control panel only shows BUILT IN MODEM and ETHERNET options. Can't seem to force it to add a USB option.
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    Hard drive back up options (looking for affordable drive options)

    Of course, one drawback to swapping drives in the PC is that I'd use up a day installing XP on the old Mac drive. ;o)