Are Netgear MR314 wireless routers crap?


I have one. I think it's crap. I've asked a few others and have been told the same...Netgear and OSX just don't get along.

Any other opinions on that? My OSX machine works great via the router if connected via Cat5, but when wireless, randome hiccups occur. Sometimes it can't resolve hosts. Sometimes it just times out when connecting to sites. Sometimes my connection just doesn't work at all.

Sometimes switching prefs to BootP and back to DHCP fixes things. For a bit. Sometimes relaunching my browser works. Sometimes a logout fixes it. Sometimes I have to walk down to the basement and reset the router.

So, is this likely a problem with OSX, or specifically netgear routers? The few I've asked have pretty much said 'netgear sucks, get a linksys.' I hate to fork out money for another router, but if it is truly better, I'll do it.
My Netgear MR314 works flawlessly. I have two PCs (XP & 2000) & this Mac (10.2.6) and two printers connected via cable and two laptops via wireless. I have noticed that the wireless is somewhat directional, but that is useful as a security measure! Don't Linksys routers block appletalk packets? My life would be less convenient that way.
Netgear makes crap period!!! I've used em at school with wireless, theyre not too reliable also some university somewhere was using a netgear router and there were some big problems with buffer overflows and the router...hmmm...definetly go with linksys.