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  1. sredhead

    Hard drive transfer

    Thanks Brian - but actually the the lime iBook has some major problems - the reset power management worked about three or 4 times but now the entire machine is as dead as a dodo. The only thing that works it the little green light on the caps key - Yes all batteries and power supply are fine. It...
  2. sredhead

    iChat audio in Panther

    Thanks guys, grateful for the replies - I will give it a try. Cheers
  3. sredhead

    iChat audio in Panther

    iChat in Panther can support AV chat - but actually I would just like to use voice only to talk to family overseas - to save 'phone cost. After reading the set-up for iChat I can only find how to set up AV chat with camera - any ideas how to set up a iChat audio only link would be welcome.
  4. sredhead

    Hard drive transfer

    I have a Lime ibook that won't boot anymore - someone in the forums said it appeared to be a logic board issue, but I would like to get the data from the HD. I also have a tangerine iBook and I was wondering if I could transfer the HD across - just concerned if the BIOS in the tangerine iBook...
  5. sredhead

    Dead iBook

    Thanks for the input. Well, the Lime iBook, is still a neat looking machine and if there is a way to reserect it then it would be a good standby; way thinks are with the new ibooks. Extracting the HD is the main target at the moment.
  6. sredhead

    Dead iBook

    Hi Gaiguara Thank you for your ideas. Tried the Terminal boot before but it would not work. As Apple Japan want $500 just to open the box and take a look, then who knows what they would charge, I just bought an new iBook. But if the Lime iBook can be resurrected it woudl be great as it...
  7. sredhead

    Dead iBook

    Over 6 months I had trouble with my Lime iBook. until finally it has become completely unbootable. While using the iBook it would suddenly just stop like it had been turned off. Resetting the power management chip and the pram worked for a few times this happened - and the machine would be all...
  8. sredhead

    Hard drive crash - Help

    Recently my hard drive crashed on my Ibook. Apple Japan replaced it, but I lost all my data, passwords, and files. The cost was yen 50,000 about $600. I asked them for the old drive and they requested Yen 90,000 about $1000 for it; they said they recycle them. The total would then be $1600...
  9. sredhead

    Airport auto connects by itself

    Airport connects to the internet automatically, irrespective of whether the computer is on or not. When the computer is on the internet connect icon on the menu shows a connection, after disconnect it will continue to reconnect by itself. No internet related software is running (happens even in...