Dead iBook


Over 6 months I had trouble with my Lime iBook. until finally it has become completely unbootable. While using the iBook it would suddenly just stop like it had been turned off. Resetting the power management chip and the pram worked for a few times this happened - and the machine would be all right for a month or so; but this last time it shut itself down even resetting the power management chip won't cause it to rebook. Have tested the power input and battery are all fine. The screen is black and the drive does not spin up. The caps lock light will show, indicating power is getting to the machine; sometime when pressing the start button the CD draw opens. Any Ideas would be welcome??
It could be a dead logic card (among the possiblities). :-/

When trying to switch it on, pressing the "t" or apple (command) and t-buttons, does anything happen? with that you could get it to target mode, and at least reach the contents of the hd from another mac. If even that is no result, I would have it had a look ...

are you by any chance close to Tokyo? They will open the Tokyo Apple Store 30th Nov, so there will be a genius bar there .. that could be one alternative to taking it directly to the service.. ;)
Hi Gaiguara

Thank you for your ideas. Tried the Terminal boot before but it would not work. As Apple Japan want $500 just to open the box and take a look, then who knows what they would charge, I just bought an new iBook. But if the Lime iBook can be resurrected it woudl be great as it contains some things I would like to get from the HD.

Live in Tokyo, I think you mean the new Apple shop in the Ginza? What is a Genious bar by the way, you can just ask questions? or will Apple Japan be charging - which seems norma for theml. They have extracted $1000 for a new screen on one ibook I have and $600 for a new HD in another, so I really don't want to donate anymore to the MacJapan wishing well fund!!

If service is the best option then it could be cheaper to throw it in the Garbage - would like to get the data from the HD though.
The Genius Bar is a place (in the back of the store, I think) that you go to ask questions, and if they geniuses don't know the answers themselves they call someone (at Apple, I think) who does. Free of charge.

As long as you have a new computer, you don't need the old one in working condition, right? You could probably find some good tutorials online (like or to start) that would explain how to extract the hard drive from your LimeBook, and other tutorials to explain how to actually use it after that.
Thanks for the input.

Well, the Lime iBook, is still a neat looking machine and if there is a way to reserect it then it would be a good standby; way thinks are with the new ibooks.

Extracting the HD is the main target at the moment.