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  1. T

    New Xbox 360

    Well, I've read today about the new specs of the Xbox 360. They seem rather...unbelievable. In particular, the CPU specs. A custom-designed IBM PowerPC-based CPU sporting 3 symmetrical cores, each running at 3.2 GHz. Hard to believe for you? Everything aside, does it seem logical for any...
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    Question about OSX applications

    Well, I think that it's important to know that UNIX and Linux are different... they have different kernels and whatnot. Also, BSD is another operating system, close to UNIX. So, if anything, I would be looking for a BSD like FreeBSD, NetBSD, or OpenBSD. But, like what was said, OS X apps are...
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    Calendar Hosting

    Thanks... I finally got around t o trying it out. The file was published using iCal. I installed Sunbird on one of the PCs, but it won't sync with the Spymac calendar. It never asked for a password or anything, so... that could be it. Any ideas?
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    Archive & install ?'s

    Unfortunately, there aren't any free partition tools, but SubRosaSoft offers VolumeWorks if you feel like paying the price. I've found it to be a good tool. It's very nice to use.
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    Keynote Effects

    Thanks to mind bend, I finally got a preview of the two effects. IMO, the effects aren't really stunning. While the Flash, as was said, may be more professional, I would far rather use droplet or the page turn. They are both more appeasing. Head over to...
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    G5 2.7 and Tiger Impressions

    Thanks! That's something I think a lot of people would be happy to see. However, I'm disappointed! From my point of view, I can't understand what about those two transitions takes so much GPU power! If I saw all of the transitions, I would put the page flip and droplet transition in the...
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    G5 2.7 and Tiger Impressions

    Truly great review. Thank goodness, a not hot-headed or super zealous review of two products. But anyways, I was wondering. What are the Burn and Flash effects like in Keynote 2? And the droplet effect with Dashboard, is it worth it? If you wouldn't mind terribly...could you email me a...
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    Mac speech program???

    Sorry....I think I missed the point. Um, Mac speech. I don't think there's an app like that in OS X. The only thing that comes to mind is...Simple Text, which is included with the Developer install...or used to be. Sorry, hope I didn't sound stuck up.
  9. T

    Mac speech program???

    I believe Mac has had text-to-speech since...System 1. In OS X, there isn't really one app that does this, for the entire system is built to do it. If your in a Cocoa app, try Edit>Speech>Speak Selected Text. Such an app is Text Edit. Otherwise, go to the application's...
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    Calendar Hosting

    Does anyone know how to host calendars? I've looked into several things, like Exchange, but that's WAY to expensive for what I need. In our home, we have both Macs and PC's using iCal and Outlook, respectively. We need something that would allow us edit and view a calendar on any computer...
  11. T

    Keynote Effects

    Ugh... Discovered after getting iWork that two Keynote transitions aren't available because I don't have a programmable video card. So, anyone know where I can see pictures of the Flash transition or the Burn transition? I wonder if they, along with Core Image in Tiger, or worth the purchase...
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    Safari 1.3

    Oh yeah... definitely a measurable improvement. And no problems with the update...
  13. T

    Where to start?

    Hmm, in my opinion, if you are going to end up programming in OS X, I would say Objective-C. Where to start? With either C or C++. Java is nice only if you want to do cross platform apps for the Internet or perhaps desktop apps. Java, to me, is messy in appearance a lot of the time. So...
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    Learning French by OS X?

    Well, I don't about Tiger and VoiceOver, but I am a native English speaker learning French and I have my Mac set to French. It's been really nice, and I think it helps beyond just computer vocabulary. I don't know if there is some grammar thing behind this, but all of the commands are given in...