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  1. C

    I am unable to go to the website

    I have now entered the OpenDNS server numbers in both built-in and Airport (although the original numbers are grayed out in Airport so you cannot replace them only add new ones.) I did test it as you said and it says I am using OpenDNS. Very Frustrating!! I am still unable to open Dropshots...
  2. C

    I am unable to go to the website

    Have now downloaded Firefox and still no luck. It opens a tab, says "loading" and the little spokes go round and round but dopshots never loads. Again I can get into other sites, I have tried many and only dropshots won't load. Any more ideas? This is important to me because my son and his...
  3. C

    I am unable to go to the website

    I am using Safari 3.0.4. I haven't tried Firefox yet. Will go and look for it now. In the mean time I changed the DNS server to OpenDNS. The instructions say to choose Built in Ethernet. I am using Airport with a third party Router supplied by my ISP. I did follow the instructions exactly and I...
  4. C

    I am unable to go to the website

    Hi, I have a MBP and was running 10.4.10. I use Safari as a browser. I have previously posted pictures to Dropshots and often view my son photos there as well. Shortly after I upgraded to 10.4.11 I was unable to get onto this web silte. I have no trouble with any other site that I have tried...