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  1. S

    Do Cheaper Screens mean Cheaper Screens?

    In a recent article posted on OSNews reviewing the new 12" powerbook, there was some information about the Apple displays that alarmed me: "For those who didn't know, Apple is using two different models on their LCD products, one great quality (older powerbooks, Cinema Displays) and one...
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    OS X vs 9.2

    Hi Folks, Thanks for all your replies, its interesting to see peoples views. I think though I would definately agree with Gastroboy.... OS X is beautiful, don't get me wrong. But it still has to mature a little to be at the work horse level that OS 9 is at. Somewhere in between the...
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    OS X vs 9.2

    I would be interested to hear your views, on running software under each different system. As a creative designer applications are more important to me than the OS / features. OS 9.2 Seems a lot faster at general tasks and moving around. OS X Looks nicer, colors, e.t.c - but slower...
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    Are Mac users smarter?

    Yes, And More creative...:D
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    Calling all UNIX GURU's

    Hi Guys, I really appriciate your comments. It seems a re-install would be the best option. Its silly to me, that everything else is working fine, but this stupid little thing I did means a re-install! One thing I am a little unsure of is will I have to go back and change all of the...
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    Calling all UNIX GURU's

    I have a problem.... 1 - I enabled the root user. 2 - I logged in as root, and got info on the hard disk icon. - then went to access and privileges and set to everyone / read and write, and apply to all enclosed folders. 3- Then logged back in as normal user, and found I had no...
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    Serious Problem can anyone Help?

    Dont worry, I tried the app - here's what happened... I ran the application, thens elected the disk to fix, and it went through all of the files and appeared to have worked - it said it was sucessful. Then I went to get info on some of the files on the HD, but it the access priveleges had...
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    Serious Problem can anyone Help?

    You are a Star ! Thank you so much, Here is the link: The link to the apple doc is too long to paste, but that should get you there, via google, it should be the first result, the file is 116k. could you then mail...
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    Serious Problem can anyone Help?

    Hi, Thanks for the reply, I went to the link and downloaded the file, which seemed the answer to my prayers. But to my dissapointment, the disk copy application used to open the .dmg file would not unpack it (access privilieges!) Not sure what I can do now, as when I try to log in as...
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    Serious Problem can anyone Help?

    Hi There, I created a post last night, but it was long and confusing. Here is a summary of my problem - Can anyone suggest something to do. 1 - I enabled the root user. 2 - I logged in as root, and got info on the hard disk icon. - then went to access and privileges and set to everyone...
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    Privleges Problem - Please Help

    Hi people. I wander if anyone can suggest something, Here is my problem: I read a confusing apple document that made me think enabling the root user would be a good idea to have full access privs.....e.t.c So I set it up, logged in as root. while I was root user, I thought it would...
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    Question about making a screen saver?

    You could do this by creating your screensaver in Flash, or Director, with the video embedded, then create a projector from the flash/director file. Then use a software Like flash jestor, or cinemac to convert the projector file into a screensaver. - works in Os 9, not sure about how OS x...
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    flash problem

    If its any help, You can send the files to me - 56k modem, so not too big please.. then I will convert them to flash 5 files that you can open. steve
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    Help! I messed up, Now I cant login as root user

    Hi people. I wander if anyone can suggest something, Here is my problem: I read a confusing apple document that made me think enabling the root user would be a good idea to have full access privs.....e.t.c So I set it up, logged in as root. while I was root user, I thought it would be a...
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    Help! How do I become the new Owner?

    That sounds like a good answer to my problem. I will try it when I get home. It may sound strange that the computer was not set up for me when I bought it. I actually got it through an auction from a liquidised company selling unwanted stock. At a good price, Its OK. nothing illeagal has...
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    Help! How do I become the new Owner?

    That's great guy's, Such quick replies! I would ideally like to stay away from a re-install, (unless it is less painless than I am thinking) Can I re-install OS X without it affecting my 9.2 setup? How do I unistall OS X? I have tried changing the previous users privs, and added myself...
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    Help! How do I become the new Owner?

    :) Hi, This is my first post, I have bought a 2nd Hand G4 933. OSX is installed, but the old owner of the computer has all te main priviliges, Does anyone know where I can change the name of the computer ie to say: "Steve's Computer" (me) and not "Matthews Computer" (old owner). I also...