Serious Problem can anyone Help?


Hi There,

I created a post last night, but it was long and confusing.
Here is a summary of my problem - Can anyone suggest something to do.

1 - I enabled the root user.

2 - I logged in as root, and got info on the hard disk icon. - then went to access and privileges and set to everyone / read and write, and apply to all enclosed folders.

3- Then logged back in as normal user, and found I had no priviledges at all, - couldnt even start classic.

4 - Now I cant log in as root anymore, because I disabled the root user- as the root user, and it wont let me change anything in netinfoManager.

5 - I wander if there is a way to reset the privileges on my HD files to what they should be, as all of them now read - privileges - everyone - read and write.

6 - Or at leat be able to log back in as root, so I can have privileges back,

Any Ideas?,
Forgive my silly illogical actions, I'm not sure how I got into this mess, but now my only option is to workin in native OS 9.2, until its all fixed.

Thanks for the reply, I went to the link and downloaded the file, which seemed the answer to my prayers.

But to my dissapointment, the disk copy application used to open the .dmg file would not unpack it (access privilieges!)

Not sure what I can do now, as when I try to log in as root, it wont accept my password.

so I am stuck with my admin user that has had most priveleges stripped off.

The only thing I can think to do, is get some kind soul to download the fix for me (apple support/downloads/repair privileges) (116k) - then email it to me, already unpacked.

Many Thanks
Frustrated flash designer in London
Sure, I'lldo it, I see you have a really big problem. Only thing, could you link to the repair priviledges download? Can't find it.:D
You are a Star !

Thank you so much,
Here is the link:

The link to the apple doc is too long to paste, but that should get you there, via google, it should be the first result, the file is 116k.

could you then mail it to and cc it to :, just to be sure I get it.

Don't worry about when you can do it. Whenever is fine. I will be back at my disaster area later on today, I'm just grateful you can do this for me.

Thanks again.

Let me know if I can do anything for you, my area is web design and flash/ multimedia e.t.c
Damn, I'm sorry, suddenly I can't boot to X anymore. The loading screen just appears , and finishes, but then it stays at the blue screen. It doesn't exactly freeze, cause it loads, and after a while it stops loading, and then it loads again. And so on.

Anyway, I think this will be fixed soon, so I hope I'll be able to send it today.
Dont worry, I tried the app - here's what happened...

I ran the application, thens elected the disk to fix, and it went through all of the files and appeared to have worked - it said it was sucessful.

Then I went to get info on some of the files on the HD, but it the access priveleges had not changed?

I also got the same 192 error when I tried to mount a .dmg file.
I also tried to log in as root again, but it still wouldn't let me in.

When I go into NetinfoManager, it lets me authenticate, but when I go to enable root user is says I must re-authenticate to make additional changes.
I guess that it doesn't re-enable the root, cause after that if I try to log in it doesn't recognise my password.


I totally agree with your comment, I should not have changed all that stuff, I didn't even know what I was doing. OS X is a whole different ball game to OS 9.

Where can I go from here?

Is the only option left a re-install? - c'mon hit me with the bad news.

I fear the worst. - if this is the only option left, do you know where I can find a good article to guide me through the process

Thanks again for your time and thoughts on this matter.
