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  1. G

    Fresh install to SCSI drive off an aftermarket AHA2940?

    Oh, lookie there.. there's a different version of the 2940 for the Mac than the PC. I wonder if that's why it won't boot? I'm really getting agitated with this aspect of the Apple Experience. :)
  2. G

    Fresh install to SCSI drive off an aftermarket AHA2940?

    Unfortuantly, that's not in the cards. Admittedly, I made a mistake by not spending the extra $2 for SCA adapters with 50 pin connectors, but at this point I'm not going to mail order another set and deal with the wait as I figure I'm not the ONLY person to wonder this. Surely someone else...
  3. G

    Fresh install to SCSI drive off an aftermarket AHA2940?

    That's the integrated controller, and unforutnatly, the SCA adapter I have goes to 68 pin only, no 50 pin narrow. edit: I'm just not good with details today... The installer recognizes the INTEGRAL APPLE controller, it does not seem to see things on the AFTERMARKET AHA2940. I hope that...
  4. G

    Fresh install to SCSI drive off an aftermarket AHA2940?

    No, it definatly supports this card, as I can use it just fine under OSX, but I cannot install to it anew. There in lies my confusion.
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    Fresh install to SCSI drive off an aftermarket AHA2940?

    So, in an effort to beef up the performance of a budget G3/233 (edit: I neglected to mention this is a revision B or later beige G3), I've since added memory (384mb), a new CPU (G4/500), and now its either video or drive.. and drive _should_ be easier. Well, I thought so, at least...
  6. G

    BILL & HP copy APPLE Design

    I'm a troll because I'm pointing out obvious flaws in the displayed zealotry? Hardly. Am I trying to fan the flames to start people into some sort of a war? Well, not really. I honestly do want to know what all this terriffic innovation is, though, cause I've never seen it. Perhaps I...
  7. G

    New low end Mac?

    Oh dear God, dare to dream. I've said this in the past, but it became painfully obvious about 4 months ago when I decided that OS 10 was the answer that Windows 2000 and unices couldn't provide. Unix, advantage of all the opensource portable software AND pre-built, happy, pretty little apps...
  8. G

    BILL & HP copy APPLE Design

    tsezKEIK: >second of all im sorry i found ur comment about microsoft >products THAT funny, but it just is. You know what, though, what he said is true. MS is giving the world just as much as anyone else, however, zealotry won't let you see these sorts of things. However, let's not fixate...
  9. G

    NeXT Megapixel 21" display on Mac?

    Has anyone here successfully used a NeXT Megapixel 21" display on a Macintosh? I've got a Mac with a Enhance Liberty adapter mounted to it. From there I run a regular VGA style cable (DB15 or whatever its called) to a VGA-13W3 adapter, which conviently plugs into the back the NeXT monitor...
  10. G

    Cheap upgrades for G3/233?

    Video upgrade: Adapter wise, its a nonissue. I'm using a PC style VGA monitor now with a Enhance Liberty adapter. I'd just as soon use a PC style VGA rather than the (to me) highly irritating DVI. So, I suppose I am to assume that PC video boards, even of the same layout (PCI Radeon versus PCI...
  11. G

    Cheap upgrades for G3/233?

    So, I'm more-or-less new to the mac world, as a PC refugee and NeXT fan what really brought me over was the joy that I can get unix stability, unix packages, and yet not have to put any effort forth to get precompiled pretty l ittle apps for the Mac GUI, too. Presumably that's brought quite...
  12. G

    Can I install OS 9 (DV model disc) on a beige G3

    As the person in question in the original question (yeah, that almost makes sense), allow me to provide the final answer for this situation: No, no you cannot.