BILL & HP copy APPLE Design

<rant starts>
How's does that saying go? "If I had a nickel for every time I have heard that argument, ....".

I'm not trying to be a troll, it's I hear that argument for cheap pricing almost everyday, multiple times a day!

My answer is please go take a lesson in economies of scale from an economics class. I'm not going to teach it but please don't go around spouting cheap prices from Apple until you learn the economies of scale.

Don't they teach economics in high school anymore?

Plus, before you say "I'm an art, music (or something else) major so ..." just think why one should take at least on economics class. Do you buy objects, have an income, finance goods, etc.? Then you should learn about basic economics.

<rant ended>
Originally posted by hulkaros
Are you sure you got everything out of your system? :rolleyes:

(look, a qoute feature!)
(look, a less than easy to work with qoute system, sigh)

No, there's far more in there. I'm a ranty guy.

I hope that you found the inner PeaCe after all those opinions of yours...

My inner PC is an AXP. :)

I would personally wanted to thank you for sharing your open minded views with us and hopefully some people here will understand the meaning too so that they will see the holy light that Wintel platform spreads uppon the computing world with its pure, fair and square business practices :p :D

See, this is one of things that really grates about the average Apple fan... You seem to be completely unable to grasp that your favoured company is run just as viciously as Microsoft or Intel. The names may change, but the activities are no different.

What has Apple done that was so absolutely fantastic on their own, without anything being lifted from another company? Pointing to MacOS is _not_ a valid response, even though it tends to be teh most favoured. Fruity coloured plastic might qualify, but I hardly consider it absolutely fantastic, even if it did force teh rest of the world to view computers as not just tools, but fashion accessories, too.
Apple is so bad that
1) It's one of the most famous brand worldwide
2) It makes money
3) It has been created in 1974 and is still alive. How many computer companies do you know that are that old ? IBM, yes. HP ? they changed their business, but ok I take it. And ?
4) It has created an operating system and still makes money selling it. How many companies do you know that still make money selling an OS for consumers ? Microsoft, yes of course. And ?

Evolution doesn't select the best, but the fitest... and Apple is still alive.
I'm a troll because I'm pointing out obvious flaws in the displayed zealotry?


Am I trying to fan the flames to start people into some sort of a war? Well, not really. I honestly do want to know what all this terriffic innovation is, though, cause I've never seen it.

Perhaps I need to explain: I like the Macintosh. I've always admired Apple's offerings, from a hardware standpoint. I've always thought their software left alot to be desired. Lately, though, I reverse those. Either way, I'm not a basher. I'm certainly not a troll, I just grate under the constant nonsense spouted by the zealots.

This holds true for all zealotry, including the PC zealots, the linux zealots (who were only slightly less annoying than the Be zealots).
Originally posted by chevy
Apple is so bad that
Evolution doesn't select the best, but the fitest... and Apple is still alive.

Actually in this case "bad" is a reference to business tactics and not to represent a company being poorly run (before anyone chimes in, I'm neither agreeing or disagreeing, just clarifying). Note that your points about Apple can exactly be mapped onto Microsoft (assuming a somewhat liberal interpretation of "computer company" in point 3), and it's Microsoft that many here would ascribe the term "bad" to.
Originally posted by binaryDigit
Actually in this case "bad" is a reference to business tactics and not to represent a company being poorly run (before anyone chimes in, I'm neither agreeing or disagreeing, just clarifying). Note that your points about Apple can exactly be mapped onto Microsoft (assuming a somewhat liberal interpretation of "computer company" in point 3), and it's Microsoft that many here would ascribe the term "bad" to.

I separated "computer company" from "OS provider" on purpose.

BTW Microsoft is not as "old" as Apple is, not a big difference but still a difference.

Microsoft made a fantastic work, and is no1 in OS, no doubt. This does not mean that no2 is small or bad. Competition is so: there is a no1, but no2 is no shame. And places change with (more or less) time.