Originally posted by hulkaros
Yeah... I bet that you can find Firewire2, Airport Extreme, Bluetooth, similar to iLife apps, PCI 64 bits, high quality boxes (not just design), Gigabit ethernet, DVI/ADC output or if you prefer double monitor support, Rendezvous, 2d/3d GUI, really THAT easy networking with UNIX, MACs, LINUX, WINDOWS, etc. OSes, DVD playback support, AAC & MP3 support,
Airport Extreme - Just another name for 802.11g which pc's support (and Linksys was first out of the gate). Though reports are that AE is much easier to deal with than Linksys.
PCI 64bits - YUP, I have a server that is at least three years old that has them (it uses Intel PIII 500mhz to give you an idea of it's age).
Gigabit ethernet - it's been availble on the larger servers, but no real mainstream PC manuf. ships it (that I know of).
DVI - It's been available ever since DVI was created. Obviously ADC wouldn't be supported. I've used dual monitors since NT4 time frame (though only a small subset of video cards supported it back then, I used the Matrox).
Easy networking - Settings/Network/TCPIP set it to dhcp, that's it. Been that way since NT3.51 (don't know about Win9x/ME)
Interop with Unices/Mac - Well considering that pretty much everyone supports Samba (*nix and OSX), it's not really a fair question. And NT has had NFS support for a while (since NT3.51 that I know of), though it does kinda suck (at least it did back in the 3.51/4 days, haven't had to use it since, Samba good

DVD Playback - Works perfect on Win2K and I personally don't know anyone who has had any problems (though I know that early adopters went through a lot of pain, but that's old news).
MP3 - WinAmp has been around forever.
Your other points do fall into the category of the Mac having a clear advantage/first to market.
Oh, and USB lives at Wintels thanks to iMac 97...
Nope, USB was availble on PC's (and I mean on motherboards, not just add on cards) waaaay before the iMac. It went through a lot of teething pains in the early days, and even after things got ironed out, there weren't very many peripherals available. What the iMac DID do was to create a market for these peripherals and accelerated the adoption of usb.
...You will minimize an app and you will be able to view the minimized contents real time... Innovation alright...
Actually OS/2 3.0 had the ability to do this over 10 years ago! It was really cool, there was even an api for it so you could have the icon display whatever you wanted, not just the contents of the parent window.
Wintel rules! Apple never did anything for computers in general... Never does... Only Wintel... Long live the Wintel... Praise the Wintel and BinaryDigit for letting us know how truly Wintel innovates and Apple just copies from them...
That's funny. I say that PC's do innovate, and your response is this

I guess it's all or nothing with you. Either Wintel is the darkside that never did anything for anyone not named Bill, or if anyone dares to speak out and actually present some facts, then they're part of the darkside too. That's fine, think what you want. Hopefully anyone who reads these threads can read the facts (and of course verify where appropriate) and form their own opinions.